Mage OCs

1.) "What are these for?"
Just some funny fellas I come up with occasionally. I had so many of them that it just felt right to put them all in the same general worldbuilding space for consistency's sake.

2.) "Can I buy X design from this folder?"
Nope! All designs that aren't in my "For Sale" folder or my design shop thread are owned by me. However...

3.) "Can I use X design for an NPC for my D&D campaign?"
Sure, go ahead! I love it when people tell me my designs give them inspiration for their tabletop settings, and I'd love to hear about how you used them or translated them into your own world.

4.) "Are you going to, like, do anything with them yourself, tho?"
Good question! The answer is: uhhhh, maybe idk

"It is said that in the beginning, there was nothing. Then, from high above, over the deathly silence of a fathomless ocean, a single word was uttered - the very first spell. It was from this utterance sprang forth the scattered landmasses of the region now called Hapaxea. Or so the legend goes.

Whether or not Hapaxea was the site-- and result of-- the First Spell is often the subject of heated debate between historians and clerics alike - a claim fueled by the documented fact that the region is significantly younger than the rest of the world around it. This unusual origin is reflected in its exonym, The Migraine Lands, used by neighboring continents due to its sudden appearance infinitely complicating the traderoutes established hundreds of years before it."

- Sidgeweld's Encyclopedia Hapaxea, Vol. I

"Even the most world-sundering of magics begins with the humble thaum - the smallest unit of kratophany. Much like individual molecules of water combine to form mighty oceans, thaums in sufficient concentration form what is commonly known as thaumic radiation - the invisible field of energy that is woven into the atmosphere and tapped into by thaumaturges to conduct magic. This 'thaumic energy' is a naturally occuring element that, much like gold, silver, or lead, exists in the world in raw form, brimming with potential and ready to be refined by the cunning mage into tools of boundless potential."

- A Beginner's Guide to Thaumaturgy, Chapter I.

mage oc aberration monster person wizard demon monster girl sorcerer robot vampire warlock my ocs banshee ocs skeleton