jukeboxes's Profile Comments

Hey! Just wanted to say that your kids are kinda cool!!❤️

Oh hey, thanks so much!! <3

Your character's stories seem really cool! I'd love to hear more about them!

Ahh thank you?? I'm really glad you like them! I'm working on character profiles and writing a comprehensive document of the lore and such right now, when those are finished with there'll be a lot more to take in! I can let you know when those are finished if you're interested!

Yes please! I'd really like to read them!

NP! Based on what I read on completed profiles, I think your stories and mine share a lot of themes so they appeal to me XD

Oh that's really cool to hear!! It's tough for me to find other stories that share similar themes to my own, it's cool I finally have someone else to relate to in that regard! In the meantime I'll have to look more into your OCs! I just finished chapter 2 of your webcomic by the way, I'm loving it so far!

Heyy awesome! I'm glad you like it so far!

As for specific characters, check out Panic here - he's got the whole "god but doesn't know it, life sucks" arc that your character Reid has.

Whoa this is such an interesting character! I can definitely see the similarities between the two! 

3 Replies

Sorry for skipping you on the oc above thing, I'll edit my comment

cool thank you so much !

I just wanted to say your art is really cute I like it a lot!!

Oh gosh, thank you so much! It means a lot just to hear that ;3;

You're welcome! :D



Im doing p swell! :3