the ass kickers

Never thought a group with stable finances and a house would be called "the Ass Kickers," but alright.

- David

The Ass Kickers!

What started as separate people living separate lives became a powerful group of adventurers to save the kingdom from years of a tyrant's control! These adventurers, conveniently each representing one of the classes, embark on quests to fix the problems the Naughty Sorceress caused little by little while taking on side jobs when they're free. However many mishaps and shenanigans occur, these fellas always get back up. Well, mostly, anyway.

There we a few debates over the group's collective name. David suggested "The Warriors of Virtue," but it was quickly shot down due to a general disagreement that they were neither warriors nor virtuous. Then, arguments arose over "The Chicken Nugget Enjoyers" and "The Kingdom Clappers," but Cassidy and Teresa agreed on "The Ass Kickers," so that name came to be. (Ava is still pissed that "The Kingdom Clappers" was rejected.)

Naming aside, this group is a family. They live together and take care of the house together (though Cassidy is the one paying). Their closeness as a group makes them especially effective as team hitters, so watch out if you're ever on their hit list!