manyface's Bulletins

our website (neocities) !!!

Posted 5 months, 2 days ago by manyface

for the last couple days we've been obsessively working on our website, which you can see here:

soooo we're wondering if anyone wants to link websites or has any cool webrings to join or just has their own website that we can check out/follow? 

we're not very good at coding yet, but we're doing our best!!! 

- jáščer + therry!

indulge us w an artist meme

Posted 5 months, 6 days ago by manyface

our character art / our abstract art


hiii... we're just curious what stands out abt our art! ^_^

we assign songs to your ocs :)

Posted 5 months, 8 days ago by manyface

hey check out (please comment in!!) our thread where we assign songs to your ocs
music is a big special interest and we love doing this and we're really in the mood for doing this stuff rn haha 

(truthfully we're bored and currently procrastinating drawing/writing/doing anything that requires more effort) 

- jáščer and therry <3

art trades?

Posted 5 months, 15 days ago by manyface

alright so!! i have two problems that i'd like to fix by doing art trades!

  1. i'm broke and can't commission people because i'm in the fucking trenches 
  2. i have trauma surrounding doing character art for other people (this is embarrassing but i do have a good reason to feel this way). i think it's mostly about doing commissions though

so what better way for me to slowly work up my confidence with doing character art for other people and also for myself AND get art of my precious little freaklets at the same time. than art trades? 

some rules/notes about the actual trades!! please read this carefully!

  • if i choose to trade with you, you'll give me a bunch of characters to choose from. like 3 at least! and at most, your entire th haha. i can give you a lot to choose from too, or just give you one or two
  • the amount traded on both sides will be as close to equal as we can get it because that's only fair 
  • i will very likely go crazy sicko mode on the colours and shapes and my side of the trade will be experimental unless you're after something very specific! i'll probably make a background for you as well. go silly 
  • i can't draw chibis right now but i'd love to learn how so if you let me practice drawing chibis with your characters in exchange for chibis from you i'd be very happy 
  • the trades will be skeb-style in that we won't give each other updates and just give each other the finished result 
  • i don't have many examples of my art because i... spent three years being traumatised about character art. and it's only right now that i've gotten back into it. look at my th art tab i guess? 
  • there's no minimum offer requirement. if you want to trade sketches, then that's cool by me! however, the maximum i will do is one lined/coloured/shaded fullbody of a single character, with an abstract background. or the same thing but a custom 
  • speaking of which i'd possibly be down to trade customs but i'd be WAY pickier with this and it'd have different rules. but if you're interested in that dm me?
  • we'll try to get it done within two weeks. the reason i don't say a month is because a slightly shorter deadline encourages me to not forget about it/leave it until the last minute. if you need to take longer you can definitely talk to me about it! 
  • i will only draw humanoids and flat faced anthros

i think that's it!!!

new trade bulletin B)

Posted 5 months, 23 days ago by manyface

i am the world's most neurotic person about my character roster. and since i'm trying to rebuild my relationship with ocs, i'm doing a lot of cleaning! so let's get into it! 

i am quite picky with trades because i really want to have characters that i can use and enjoy. i have a character wishlist/preference list right here. i'm very likely to accept money offers unless i'm tentative on the characters, and i am open to haggling. i am a little bit picky with art styles, and i would like it if the turnaround time was less than 2 months.

not tentative, want them gone: xexe. $35 / trades / art mxpastel. $30 / trades / art mxpastel. $30 / trades / art

not particularly tentative, just don't know what to do with them rn: designed by me. money ota / trades / art mxpastel. $40 / trades / art lovewhile. $55 / trades / art cueen. $90 / trades / art mxpastel. $30 / trades / art coffins. $40/ trades / art

tentative (most of these have plans to be worked on or reworked): mxpastel. trades / art. i'm planning to rework her! can sell for $30, but would prefer not to atm design by me. not sure who would want this character, but i do want to rework him. money ota / trades / art design by me. same as above, not sure who wants this dude except for me even as i've lost connection kiba_00. trades / art. can resell for $65, but would prefer not to atm. riifent. trades / art. can resell for $30, but would prefer not to atm by me. i'm not sure who would want this character honestly but i've just lost interest in them. money ota / trades / art mxpastel. trades / art. can resell for $40, but would prefer not to. i'm getting pretty repetitive here lymerikk. trades / art. you know the drill. the value is $80 but i'd rather look at other stuff adoptcepo. trades / art. can resell for $80 but i'd rather look at other offers rn mxpastel. trades / art. can sell for $30 but i want to rework her haha cueen. trades / art. value is $100 but i'm tentativeeee design by me. idk who wants them lmao. he has a lot of sentimental value but i'm just disconnected. so money ota / trades / art i suppose

big life/oc update!

Posted 5 months, 26 days ago by manyface

hi everyone! as you may have noticed, i haven't been on th for like at least 2 months. that's because i was logged out. when i logged myself out, i thought i'd never be coming back. but i'm here now, because ocs are still special to me, and i couldn't throw away that part of my life as easily as i thought. 

see, i turned 24 on the 3rd of september. and i got really crazy about cutting out stuff that was making me unhappy, stuff that didn't spark joy or make my heart sing. so i deleted all my social media except for facebook (i need that for real life events) and instagram (all i do on there is post my art and i connect with irl people too). i wanted to live an offline existence because there is so much cool shit happening in my city all the time, and because most of the connections i made online felt meaningless and superficial and draining. i just felt poisoned by the internet, and i wanted to live "in the real world". 

so i did! and i do! i make paintings, i go outside, i write poems. i made a book of my work actually so i'm now published. well, self-published. i started dating someone and then i broke up with them. i go to so many open mic nights. my point is, i am happier this way, and i don't regret deleting my social media whatsoever. there are some drawbacks of course, but overall it's been positive and healing for me. 

my point is that i had all those feelings towards toyhouse/the adopts community as well. i felt like it was a massive waste of my time and money, which was exacerbated by me having to sell off so many of my characters when i had that financial emergency in july. i felt like i had too many characters to know what to do with, but trade, and sell, and buy more, and beg people to buy from me. it felt like that was all there was to it. especially with closed species communities. i'm not naming any names whatsoever, but we all know that cs can be really predatory and, idk, elitist? 

but i woke up today and i realised that i still care about ocs/adopts? i missed this account, and i missed all the people who've followed me over the years, even if we never talked. i missed seeing everyone's pretty characters and i missed showing off my own. and i missed forum games, and i missed getting commissions of characters i really cared about. so i'm back because i missed you (the person reading this, since you've read this far!) 

however, since i've spent some time away, i've figured that there needs to be a better way for me to engage with this community that doesn't drain my emotions and my time and my wallet. i'm probably going to spend a lot less time on here. i'm probably not going to get any more closed species characters again. i'm probably going to get rid of a bunch of ocs, for free if they don't sell. i'm probably going to really focus on what being an oc enjoyer actually means to me. and i'm going to succeed and i'm going to win! 

so i hope that if you're still reading this, you can cheer me on in rebuilding my relationship with ocs/adopts!! thank you :)

travel update

Posted 9 months, 8 days ago by manyface

i got home safely!! i am also getting some money from universal credit so im going to be able to pay my rent and bills. i should hopefully be able to stop selling ocs soon!! 

(also im not even sure if im ABLE to sell ocs rn because my paypal is acting up (probably sold too much too fast?) so if u want to buy anything from me i think we need to use cashapp or sth)

resells + comms (emergency)

Posted 9 months, 25 days ago by manyface

update: i got home safely and i have enough money to pay bills and rent!! i'm going to be pretty broke for the foreseeable future though so i'm keeping these bulletins up :') 

hi! some of you may know that i'm travelling right now, and it's going pretty great. i'm enjoying myself and spending time with my friend... BUT! i had to spend almost all of my money on a place to stay (i previously thought i was going to stay at my friend's house but their housemates got really upset about it). that cost me like... £700! and i could really use some cash to make sure i don't fucking go completely bankrupt an ocean away from home. 

sooo... i am selling ocs! <-- tag with all the ones for sale $35 xexe $60 vanity $40 mxpastel $30 mxpastel $30 mxpastel $30 mxpastel $22 xexe $70 lymerikk, crystalker cs $70 lymerikk, crystalker cs $100 cueen $65 kiba_00 offer? by me $40 cueen $40 mxpastel $30 mxpastel $55 lovewhile $90 cueen $30 riifent $75 marlboro $30 mxpastel $40 mxpastel $30 mxpastel $70 lymerikk, crystalker cs $80 lymerikk $30 kinoko $80 adoptcepo $20 jeffreyadopts $75 necoarc $30 mxpastel $60 mxpastel $30 nobori $40 coffins $30 mxpastel offer? by me $30 mxpastel $70 lymerikk, crystalker cs

in addition to all of these characters, i'm down to draw headshots like the ones below for just $20! i can draw humans/humanoids but if you want me to stick to a strict palette this probably isn't the comm for you (i tend to go crazy with colours. i don't do shit like whitewashing but i like to be very lurid and bright)

yeah uh... please consider helping me out haha! if you can't buy, maybe share this? 




Posted 9 months, 29 days ago by manyface

i said i'd miss artfight this year bc of travelling but i lied >:) 

the fomo got so bad lol come fight me


Posted 10 months, 3 days ago by manyface


i'm also travelling to the states for 3 weeks and leaving on sunday night!! lots of awesome and exciting things happening :D 

i was sort of taking a th hiatus bc the oc hyperfixation released me but i think i'll be a lil more active again... or maybe not, since i'll be abroad. it's good to be here, anyway!

i hope everyone's having a great time too!!