Zachariah Zheng



6 years, 3 months ago



Name Zachariah Zheng.
Height 5'6.
Birthday October 24th. | ♏
Species Siren.
Gender Nonbinary.
Pronouns They/them.

  • General design elements.
    • Brown hair. They put an enormous amount of effort into making it look good when they aren't in a depressive spiral and letting it accumulate grease.
    • Green eyes. They're often tired and it shows.
    • They're 5'6 and thin. They're like a beanpole.
    • The only legitimate piercing they have is their ear piercings, but they definitely wear fake piercings all the time.
  • Siren-specific design elements.
    • Z, like most of the current siren generation, is pretty convincingly human. This is accentuated by the fact that they blend in with human society pretty well on account of well, living in it.
    • They have sharp canine teeth.
  • Personality.
    • Z is just kind of an asshole, to be honest.
    • They're generally rude to people they meet, though it isn't usually a conscious decision. It's very much a defensive tactic they've developed in the wake of all the anxiety socializing causes them.
    • They're kind of defeatist, at least in the beginning, regarding their depression. They don't believe there's ever going to be a chance for them to get better, and sometimes they don't know if they want to get better.
      • They do get better, eventually.
    • When they warm up to others, they become less of an asshole. Usually.
  • Talents.
    • They're good at styling themselves.
    • They're remarkably thrifty.
  • Siren-specific abilities.
    • They're out there eatin' people. As they do.
    • If frenzied, they're a physical force to be reckoned with, but that literally never happens, so.
    • They can pass on a siren's curse, and that is their preferred hunting tactic when it comes down to it.

Z's mother, Selma Zheng, was in a distant relationship with a siren in her youth. During that time, she was not only inflicted with a siren's curse, but she also became pregnant with Z. That siren, having become romantically attached to Selma and thus frightened by their feelings, chose instead to run from them, leaving Z in her care. Before they left, however, they left a crucial hint into the cure for the sirens curse. One that would be incredibly helpful to someone inflicted with it.

Setting aside from that little origin story, Z spent nineteen years with their mom, facing the trials and tribulations of any human teenager while facing the added difficulty of being half-siren. While living with Selma, Z was unruly. Their social circle? Whack. Their habits? whack. Z very much acted like a spoiled white kid despite being a low-income Asian one.

Eventually, both Z and their mom would be at their wits end with each other, and Z would leave to join other sirens in an attempt to find a place where they felt they belonged.

Despite this attempt, they found little solace in the company of sirens or humans, and instead shut out the vulnerable parts of themselves and developed and outward persona in order to cover up their feelings towards their supposed isolation.

Or, well, they've always been a little bit of an asshole, but they're more of one now.

Really, the only person Z isn't an unruly asshole around is Paisley, who they met in their freshman year of high school, kissed, became best friends with, developed a crush on, and lived with for a year before eventually pushing her away and setting their own self-improvement ten steps back. She still cares about them a lot, and they wouldn't admit it, but they still care about her.

Not that they'd tell anyone that.

Currently, Z spends most of their time being mad at the world for not recognizing their talent and genius, and finds themselves recruited by Antigone, the main antagonist.

They do make the switch from minor antagonist to major annoyance, eventually, and when they do their story aims less in the direction of petty villainy and more in that of self-betterment and recovery. Z's recovery in particular is a little rocky at first, but they're getting there. They're trying very hard.


  • They got really into anime during high school.
    • When I say "really into anime" I mean trashy anime. They watched Yamada's First Time and they've got a lot of opinions on it.
  • Similarly, they play bad visual novels and dating sims in their free time.
    • Yes, they have played Doki Doki Literature Club, and they do have a lot of opinions on it, and their favorite girl is Natsuki because fuck you.
  • Their mom is Chinese-American and their absent parent is racially ambiguous and so Z just tends to go with saying that they're Chinese-American.
    • They sometimes get profiled as Japanese by weebs and the reasoning is always, "well, you like anime," and they are so Tired.
  • They don't know any second languages aside from English. They took a mandatory French class in high school but they don't remember shit from it.

  • Paisley. 💞
    • As a crush and a friend, and also as someone they have an admittedly complicated relationship with.
    • Half of the people they've hooked up with or dated in the past remind them of her. It's a bit of a problem.
  • Starbucks.
    • Specifically making the most complicated and terrible orders possible.
    • "Hey, I'd like a coffee with so much sugar and milk that it's practically a milkshake, and i want it with eighteen shots of espresso."
  • Attention.
  • Happiness and fulfillment.
    • Love to actually feel it someday, haha.
    • Please help them.

  • People who are better than them.
    • If you were wondering, this massive inferiority complex does come to grips with their crush on Paisley constantly.
  • Being alone.
  • Their mom.
    • Again, this comes to grips with the fact that they do want to have a good relationship with their mom.
  • Florence.

Laila Karnofsky.Friend and Crush. 💘🌟

To preface, Z's crushes don't go anywhere. Okay? Okay.

In the beginning, Z kind of expects Laila to dislike them as everyone else does, partly because that's what they've come to expect from new relationships and partly because they intentionally push people away. However, Laila doesn't do that. Despite all the odds, she actually develops a friendship with Z.

In turn, Z develops a little bit of a crush on her. It's nothing they would actively pursue, but it serves as motivation sometimes. Having a pretty girl supporting you is always inspiring, at least in Z's experience.

Troye Bernstein. Friend and Crush. 💘🌟

Listen, listen, sometimes feelings happen when you don't really want them to, and sometimes you can't control that someone is attractive to you. Sometimes you can't control that you're into tall guys, and sometimes you can't stop Troye from wearing flattering outfits all the time, constantly. Z is very adamant about stressing all of those points.

Their crush on Troye is not unprecedented. He reminds them of Paisley, in a way, which makes them feel both sad and elated to have someone like her even at this point in their life.

Z also stands by the "everyone has a little bit of a crush on Troye" theory.

Florence. It's Really Goddamn Complicated. ♠

Z, if asked about their feelings for Florence, would say they are all entirely negative, but that doesn't change the fact that she's a solid eight on a bad day, and an eleven on a really good one.

Objectively, they kind of detest Florence on the basis of her being like a full-blooded siren version of them who also gets to fall in love and live a life that Z would kill to have. Their distaste for her stems from a lot of internal conflict and thus shaking that petty hatred would be difficult.

Also they've slept with each other, like, canonically, so the lines of that rivalry are super blurry. Z could spend hours detailing the terms of the hatesex, but absolutely no one wants to have that conversation with them.

Nerys Spring-Selborne. Acquaintance. 🆗

She's clearly annoyed by them, as it should be. They try very hard to maintain this reputation and they would hate for Andre's indifference to influence anyone else's opinion.

Z lives in Nerys's house, and her dad sends her money to pay the bills, so they consider her an acquaintance on the basis of her allowing them to live in her house and eat her food. They feel like she's into some good anime, and they'd love to see her opinions on the latest season.

Unfortunately they have no idea how to start a conversation with her that doesn't start with something that would obviously push her buttons.

Andre Michon. Disliked. 💢

Why isn't he annoyed by Z? No, really, they want to know. They put all of this hard work into negative energy and for what? So some mysterious anime protagonist can ignore them? Terrible.

Even worse! He seems to be entertained by their antics, and even more worse! He's supportive to them. They don't even get the benefit of believing that they're rising above the expectation. Goddamn Andre, expecting them to recover and doing his best to quietly encourage them.

Terrible. Absolutely terrible.

Achilles.Acquaintance. 🆗

Achilles is an adorable and kind person, but Z has managed to get on their bad side and has no idea how to claw themselves to the good one. Or not even a good side. A neutral side, if possible, would be fine.

They don't particularly mind, and the silent encouragement that Achilles has been trying to get across is nice, but Z's immediate defense mechanism is to react in the worst possible way. Achilles doesn't like them? Well, Achilles is best friends with Florence, who hates Z, so they're obviously talking shit all the time. Not that Z cares. Nope. Not at all.

Z cares a lot.

Billy Cloister. Disliked. 💢

Jesus Christ. This guy.

Yeah, he exists and he's not exactly unattractive according to their admittedly low standards, but his entire personality is like a living turn-off. Could any man be more obviously manipulative and obnoxious? 

Z finds him kind of funny, but they treat him the same as everyone else, which is to say badly. It doesn't help that he's a massive annoyance and he definitely has a lot of fun pushing their buttons.

Paisley Shells. Best Friend & Crush. 🌟💞🌟

Z met Paisley in their freshman year of high school, wherein their reputation was less that of "an asshole who happens to have a very active social life" and more "an asshole who sits alone under the bleachers smoking cigarettes." Paisley, however, didn't seem to mind Z's antisocial nature and actively sought out their friendship. Z considers this the beginning of the end.

Paisley is not only Z's best friend, she is also the subject a deep-running crush that they have maintained for six years. A myriad of circumstances have prevented Z from pursuing a relationship with her, including her disinterest in a serious relationship at this point in her life, Z's disinterest in a serious relationship at this point in their life, and their own complicated feelings of simultaneously not being worth her time, and not wanting to spend their entire life feeling envious of her.

If you were to ask Z how they felt about her, they might look at you incredulously and say, "she's just my friend!" really defensively, or they might just give you a dirty look and say nothing. Or, and this is very rare, they might look wistfully ahead and say, "it's complicated."

It is very complicated.