Nerys Spring-Selborne.



6 years, 3 months ago



Name Nerys Spring-Selborne.
Age 25.
Height 5'3.
BirthdaySeptember 9th | ♓
Species Human.
Gender Female.
Sexuality Aromantic / Asexual.
Pronouns She/her.

  • General design elements.
    • Blonde hair, cut in a bob hairstyle with bangs. She goes through a character development haircut, probably.
    • A white. Like, with the H emphasized instead of the W. Very Caucasian.
    • Brown eyes. Wears round glasses.
    • Doesn't have any body mods or piercings or tattoos, not even a minuscule ear piercing. She's really afraid of stuff like that.
    • She's short, standing at 5'3.
  • Personality.
    • Nerys is incredibly intelligent, if her acceptance into law school didn't clue you in on that.
    • Sweet, though quite shy, Nerys strives to be liked by nearly everyone she meets and sets high expectations for herself.
    • She's easily fascinated by the supernatural and finds herself swept up in it at times. It can become a sort of consuming interest.

Nerys grew up a sheltered child, raised by a wealthy family with a long and involved history involving a careless father with ties to witchcraft, an amulet containing magical material, and the same careless father drunkenly swallowing it before Nerys was conceived. This would lead to Nerys being "charmed."

A charm could mean any form of gift provided by magical forces. In Nerys's case, her charm attracted magical forces and creatures towards her. This would be thought of as a happy accident by her father, who grew attached to the idea that his daughter might grow just as enchanted with magic as he was, and perhaps become more successful with it than him. Nerys's mother, however, was less amused by such a thing.

Still, at the end of the day, neither of them would have a say in what their daughter became swept up in, and came to a shaky agreement to keep her charm and her family's ties to magic, a secret from her.

Often lonely, Nerys enjoyed fairy tales as a child, and took an interest in studies of mythology as she got older. At twelve years old, she had fallen into a lake and nearly drowned before sighting―and being rescued by―a mermaid who quickly left her view as soon as she was safe. From then on, she dedicated part of her life to studying sea-creatures and the supernatural.

At fifteen, Nerys would take a short vacation from her family home to stay with extended family in New Orleans, and would meet Andre Michon at a small booth where he claimed he would read her fortune for five dollars. Unbeknownst to Nerys, this fourteen-year-old scammer boy would become her best friend, and would also prove himself to be a remarkably talented psychic.

At eighteen years old, Nerys would listen to her mothers qualms about her supernatural interests and take action to find a "normal" path of life, and would spend a miserable nine months in law school. A long enough time for her to gestate a powerful and profound hatred for the mundane path her mother encouraged her to take.

Aided with funds from her father and the presence of her best friend, Nerys now lives in a small home in Greece, studying the mermaids and sirens there, and she can say with certainty that she's much happier this way.

Currently, Nerys offers her years of research to Laila's venture in ridding herself of the siren's curse.

She is also only just beginning to learn about her charm and how it has shaped her experience with the supernatural, and just what her family's ties to magic were. This knowledge proves to be just a little bit damaging. A tiny bit.


  • She has Asperger's syndrome.
  • Her parents are in an unhappy marriage.
    • She isn't particularly close to either of them, but her dad provides all of her funds.
  • If you need information, Nerys can find it for you if given the time to research. Usually, if given enough information, this doesn't take much time at all.
  • She's allergic to avocados, shellfish, and dust.
  • Her charm attracts the supernatural (magic, creatures, phenomena, etc.) towards her and is naturally adept at something like witchcraft, which requires spell usage.
  • Tumblr tag.
  • Apple Music playlist.

  • Reading.
    • Her taste ranges a lot, but she's partial to fantasy and sci-fi stories, and of course the reading that comes with her studying.
  • Summer.
    • Nerys is a nerd with sensitive skin, but she really does love the sunlight and the environment during the summer. It makes her happy, and at times it can make her feel nostalgic for childhood.
  • Observing the supernatural.
  • Cartoons.
    • She's definitely a Steven Universe and Gravity Falls type. She's partial to the latter.
  • Her friends.
    • Of course Andre is emphasized here, because of all her friends, he's the best one.
  • The color pink.

  • Florence, at first.
  • Her parents.
    • She and her mother have the worst relationship by far, but she and her dad have never been particularly close either.
  • Billy. Like, in general.
  • Z.

Laila Karnofsky. Friend. 🌟

Laila and Nerys have an awkward acquaintanceship at first, though Nerys tries very hard to lessen the awkwardness. It takes a while, but eventually she manages to spark a friendship with Laila that really means a lot to the both of them.

Nerys admires the confidence that Laila carries herself with and sometimes she really wishes she could be as daring. And, you know, from the sidelines Laila seems really, really cool. In Nerys's personal opinion, she gets even cooler as you get to know her and she becomes more comfortable.

She really values Laila's friendship.

Troye Bernstein. Friend. 🌟

Troye is sweet, and he and Nerys agree on a lot. While their friendship doesn't run as deep as, say, the one between her and Andre, it's still really nice and she appreciates Troye as a person.

She also thinks that he's a good boyfriend to Laila, and appreciates him for that because she cares for her deeply.

Though she isn't too keen on Florence, she agrees that if anything, Troye's a good influence on her.

Florence.Acquaintance. 🆗

Nerys really distrusts Florence at first, and it's very clear that Florence doesn't take well to the judgement. This animosity between them kind of prevents any sort of friendship forming.

She's also on the fence about the concept of a relationship between Florence and Laila and Troye, because personally Nerys thinks it's weird to date someone who literally eats people, not that there's much she can do about it.

As time goes on and certain events are put into place, Nerys begins to see Florence through a less suspicious lens and regards her as an acquaintance. It isn't quite a friendship, but it's a start.

Andre Michon.Best Friend. 🌟🌟🌟

Nerys and Andre have known each other since they were teenagers, and he is genuinely the most important person in her life. She doesn't think it's possible to care about someone as much as she cares about him.

Andre is the most understanding person alive in Nerys's experience, and she loves him a lot. He and Achilles are like a family to her, and Nerys has wanted a family—an actually good family—her whole life. Their friendship is deeply meaningful to the both of them, and she considers Andre her platonic soulmate.

She'd die for him if it came down to it.

Achilles. Friend. 🌟

Knowing Achilles is kind of a triumph for Nerys, who has been searching for concrete supernatural evidence since she was a child. Though she isn't sharing the knowledge with the world, unsure of what the reaction would be and how Achilles's safety would be affected, she's very happy to think that she's been right this whole time.

Aside from that, she really does care about Achilles and thinks of them as a really good friend. If Andre were her metaphorical brother, than Achilles is her metaphorical sibling-in-law who is also a mermaid who is also the sixth heir to a monarchy. They're really nice.

Z. Disliked. 💢

Z and Nerys don't get along.

Their personalities are just kind of incompatible. Also Z is an asshole, but that's neither here nor there. It's just, you know, everywhere. It's directly in front of you. A whole asshole. An asswhole, if you will.

Despite her general distaste for Z, she tries her best not to be openly rude to them.

She understands what they're going through, she just wishes they'd be less terrible about it.

Billy Cloister. Disliked. 💢


He's condescending, he's clearly manipulative, and he's extremely unlikable.

If he wasn't a decent witch, Nerys would have no desire to keep him around.