For Sale or Trade

Welcome to my Sales and/or Trade folder! Please read!


  • There is no minimum offer, you can offer whatever you want. I do not price my adopts (unless they are small base adopts or I am reselling a character I bought from someone else) I do not have autobuys, unless in specific situations (like charity/fundraisers). The "worth" of my designs are entirely up for others to decide and why they are open to offers.
  • You can always message me to place an anonymous bid! I will place it for you. It is your responsibility to regularly check the bids and to apply a new offer, however. 
  • If a character's name is set to PENDING, it means an offer has been accepted and payment is waiting. If it falls through, it will go back up for offers.
  • If you need to back out of an offer, please do so as soon as possible rather than last minute. I do not penalize for first cases. If this is a repeat offense I will give a warning. If I feel the need to I may privately/quietly blacklist you - I do not post about it publicly, but I will refuse service to you from now on or at least for a while. 

main kin never for trade forever homed feral wolf sheep tropicalsteppe