Original Species

Every species here is FREE TO MAKE / OPEN. No rules. 

This is a very basic, 'alternate Earth that is a supercontinent with speculative bio mishmashed Earth species' sort of world

Every species is inspired by multiple different Earth animals reimagined into sapient, intelligent, anthropormorphics. (So theres Canid-like species, Ungulates, Fish-like, etc)

The world is known as "Ceia" and is currently a work in progress. I play around with Earth inspired geography, and make original towns/cultures/lore etc around these species.

It's not meant to be high fantasy or super original! I can't decide if I actually even want magic in the world yet.

I started doodling made up furry species a few years back and just continued onto it. They change often and I plan on revamping the whole world after I feel satisfied with most of the species designs.

All species here are considered anthropomorphic and of human intelligence. There are "feral" animals in this world but they are seen as animals like how we see them.

Politcal Map of Ceia * please note that this is a very simplified visual of the world, it has many many more towns and cities, but to keep the map from being too crowded it's limited.
Biome Map of Ceia

main kin forever homed feral wolf sheep tropicalsteppe never for trade