
Lorem ipsum dolor si amet...

Mayday is my modern fantasy world! It's very simple, mostly because I work on it infrequently enough that if it wasn't very simple I would forget what it's deal was. That being said, every single character profile in here is pending a re-write, unless they've already been re-written.

college kids;

  • they all go to the same school.
  • they originally came from a dating sim idea i had.
  • i actually think this explains most of their deal? like sure some of them have crazy magic abilities but that's kind of nothing compared to the first two bullet points, let's be real

young adults;

  • they're in the 'young adult' part of their life according to the sims.
  • some of them are doing well for themselves! others, well, they're working on it. it's a work in progress,
  • yes his full name really is brimstone jones

human damsel profile pile art pile art games guardian tiefling werewolf cyborg abbot fairy mage closed species bramble dragon