the day of my birth is here!

Posted 1 year, 9 months ago by muichiro

this one is gonna be a long one guys, so tldr: it's my birthday and i've got a lot of thoughts.

as stated above, today is my birthday and it's a pretty significant one. i didn't honestly think i'd ever make it to 30, nor did i really want to LMFAO. it's wild to think that ten years ago, I had just turned 20 and i was living in an apartment with my boyfriend and we could barely afford rent and we didn't know how to do anything. sometimes it feels like it was longer than ten years and sometimes it feels like it was just yesterday. i can remember turning 20 so vividly and how angry i felt that my neglectful parents weren't there to wish me happy birthday and how i was so angry at the world because i couldn't afford to go anywhere like EVERRRYOONNEEE else could and how my entire life would be spent in shit. i had great friends at that time, but there was still something missing from my life that i couldn't fill.

throughout the years, that's always been a common wall i've run into. something is always missing. there's always a little hole in my chest. i had great friends through my 20s, and some not so great. most of them i'd say were really great though and though things didn't work out with every single person in the end, i'm glad to have met most of them (except for 1, he knows who he is LOL). ive gone through many stages in my 20s too and honestly have lived such an incredible, yet painful little life sometimes. my mental health has been through hell and back and i've seen some crazy stuff from my own brain and gotten to learn so much about myself. i've endured alcoholism and was able to get myself to a place where i don't need to drink to have fun now. i quit smoking LMFAO- didn't even bat an eye when i quit! i've done so much!! 

but of course.. i'm still very afraid of aging, for the most shallow reasons. i don't want others to think i'm overly mature because i'm 30, when i'm mentally stuck in my early 20s still. but.. more importantly.. i don't want to look old. though... there's nothing wrong with either of those things, i like to think. to age is a privilege, not everyone gets to accomplish that and there's many i've lost that i wish could. maturity is a perceptional concept. what might be immature to one person is mature to another. i only need to do my best and try to treat myself and others well. i spent too many years in my 20s, blinded by my own self hatred and lashing out to everyone else. my own self abuse branched from my inner world and out into the world with everyone else and i was an ungrateful, hateful, selfish brat. 

thank god for aging, because i wouldn't want to do that again. glad to be 30 this year. i will wear my beginning 11 wrinkles like alan rickman and be celebrated for more than looks. that little hole will still be there, but thats okay. it doesn't need to be filled. temporary things can fill it for time being, such as experiences. 

happy thanksgiving everyone! have a great day!!!!!! treat yourself good yall! 


Happy belated birthday!

We're one day apart.

AAAH I'm too late, I'm sorry but happy late birthday!!

That's a lot of words and I read it all but I don't have that much words so I'm just gonna say I hope I make it to 30 the way you did.

Hope you had a nice day! <3

Happy birthday and I am so proud of you; leys be old people together

Happy birthday!!

happy birthday! and on thanksgiving too!

I understand the fear of aging, the high expectations you feel you have to live up to and the fear of seeing someone completely different than how you looked in your best memories. For the expectations I always remind myself that no one else is demanding me to do what I feel I have to do, it's just me being too hard on myself, though sometimes it still takes a while before I believe it.

30s is still young (my sisters would attack me if I said otherwise KEKEKEK) and you've got a LOT of time left to figure out all the pieces to the puzzle in your life. I hope you have a great birthday today and celebrate it with people you love, AND a pet bunny that loves you   

happy birthday! I hope you have a wonderful day <3
(I always want to reply to these but my brain is just empty so I just want to say that reading your thoughts was really interesting and honestly you can be proud of yourself for everything you have done! Especially what you wrote about maturity though... yes. You always seem like such a kind and admirable person and I hope you treat yourself today, you deserve it!)

Happy birthday!!! 

Happy birthday!! :)

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Aaaa happy birthday! 🎉🥳🎊🎁

Thank you so much for sharing your own personal story, with its highs and lows, and hurray for living for 3 decades! I hope your day today is filled with good food, friends and fun 🥰

Happy birthday!  I know getting older can be scary, but you're only 30 and the age 30 is actually the starting point for many people in their lives!  Hope the day is fun and filled with festivities. 


also what an insightful and meaningful read, wow!! it's always really seemed like you've come such a long way through life, and just i want to tell you how admirable and how big of an inspiration it is 🥺 i hope you have a great day today, and that things keep getting better through all the many more after that too!! ANDD happy thanksgiving at that, whew!!

Happy Thanksgiving! Welcome to the 30s club! You made it! Glad to have you here! Cheers!🎉🥹🥲🥳🤗

Thanks for sharing your personal stories! Takes a brave person to do that. It makes people feel less alone, if that even makes sense. Lol. We love you and happy birthday 🎂!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i understand since our age gap is so big you might not want to talk to me but man u inspire me so much 🥺🙏

Happy birthday! 🎂 

You insight on maturing and aging is really interesting to hear and definitely made me think in a good way!

and I also hope you have a fantastic thanksgiving and this new year treats you well! 💕

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