Christmas Wishlist!!!!!!

Posted 1 year, 6 months ago by Othello Kuuraokami

i wanna do a wishlist too.

do still have the requests up, have not started them yet but need to (wish me luck).

some guys that can be drawn...: :-)


> Knockoff

> Rye Right

drawn together:

> End + Feliackk 

! End can also be drawn with Chat (wish spirit form), Feliackk can be drawn with Castiel. In their storyline, End gets turned into a ghost by Chat (unknowing he was turned into a ghost by him), Castiel gets Feliackk to find his maps and do other stuff for him. Castiel is Chat's former sailor, who used to have a crush on his captain before his captain betrayed everyone. :-)

> Minty + Luther (his imaginary friend; the black bunny in his art)

> ID + Identity (I just think it's funny.  i love them both. ID can also be drawn w/ anyone cuz he steals identities from everyone, Identity can be drawn w/ the old king before the king was eaten)

Non-dog animals/furries:

> Gemini

> Cerberum

drawn together:

> Frinky + his simple forms. He's a hivemind, so he has more than one body, but he's only able to keep one body Fancy lookin' due to a freak accident. did you know he keeps one body in a closet to constantly cry? he's really good at managing his emotions


> I have my DSP OCs. Their world(s) mean a lot to me as it really helped me cope through these years. The only problem is that I love them so much that I could write paragraphs about their lore when it comes to who to draw. i am restraining myself so bad right now. i could go on and on because i think about them too much.

> Apollo  (train guy)


uhhh I won't @ anyone because dunno who  but!!! feel free to add your wishlist down here!


I hope you don't mind me adding my wishlist here. :3


Jeff , Girin and Puffles are monster besties that just likes to bully each other and others for fun. (Can be drawn separately)

Poudle bad ass b*tch who pulled out her teeth to replace it with gold to look even more badass. 

Bunny my fursona. :D

Paperback a manta/cat that can only say 'Aa' . Cutest thing alive.



Grisha my humansona. A snarky rich snooty shark girl.

Rikiku solemn bat/goat guy who loves sports. 

Ben werecat/wolf. Prankster. Can change form at will.

tbh this is really cool, i love learning about other's OCs :}

Thanks! Yours is much cooler though, especially Frinky. Can't wait to see what other forms he has. Also the part where he has only one body to be used for crying only. :'(