@flummoxing Beware

Posted 1 year, 5 months ago by ufotter

This was a long time coming. Back in 2021, I had noticed a design designed by Flummoxing / izukumidoriya that was very similar to one I had made just a month prior.
My design is the giraffe, theirs is the unicorn which is apart of an open species called Charmies owned by Dracononite Which Dipper made adopts for as they were a mod, and have since been kicked off the team. There are at least 2 others who also had their designs stolen and turned into this CS by Dipper.

Here are the creation dates!


I approached dipper about this through DMs. They told me it was a "specific custom" someone turned down, and that I didn't own colors. Which, correct, but making a design that is SO similar with the same colors, is theft. After they sent this message, they blocked me. Big surprise.

They actually lied about it being a rejected custom, which I maybe would have believed, but here is clear proof of Dipper making it up "to get me of their back". They also credited the design to izukumidoriya after getting caught, which is confirmed their alt account after this. It is safe to say any design credited to this account has a potential of being copied as well


The person who received the copied adoptable asked to see the original color palette Dipper used to created the adopt, to which they showed them an edited version of a pre existing color palette.

Original color palette they edited to try and look less guilty


I'll link other bewares as they're posted, this is just a beware to warn anyone that is reading to STAY AWAY from any designs DipperPines has made, as there is a chance the design is copied. This whole situation wore me out from when it began, especially when it first happened no one believed me because of their popularity, but now that it's happening to others, they're finally getting caught.
Please do not go harass this person.
I am a jaded little man, if you leave me a hateful comment I will IP block you no hesitation.

The copied adoptable has since been altered by the owner
Geoffery is currently owned by a dear friend of mine

qhostbyrd ‘s beware and situation with Flummoxing


This is not the first time I've seen this person be nasty, sorry it happened to you. Dipper blocked and harassed a friend of mine on the Izuku account when they refused to sell a character to them. They went and slandered/ villianized this girl a few months after along with stabbing at them over fictional content which they block evaded to get and redistribute without the permission of the creator which broke their Terms of service and multiple site rules. 

We have a good faith belief that their alt Deviantart account is Carnivorecore. They sent their target a shady link to a information stealing site through this account. 

Their other account we know of is @Flummoxing 

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There's one thing abt copying colors but to make a design that's literally so close you can barely tell them apart is so fucked. This is way more than just "inspiration" at that point like wtf.

people can be so weird sometimes💀💀yikes

I'm literally trying to find if this person has more social media links than TH because I do rl want to block them

I know for sure they are dipperclassic on deviantart 

I've searched them on DA and OMFG I do still watching them (but also faved two feline bases pack), geez I'll block them immediately  

HI so sorry to interrupt at all, but he also goes by flummoxing on instagram, if you have instagram at all

I've found the rest of their other social media links when I checked their DA, but thanks for letting me know about it

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Ahh man im so sorry... thats so awful : ( fuck people ripping off whole characters

Also just noticed like.. super slimy to say in dms "I'll just say this so they leave me alone" when someone approaches with a real issue

You didn't deserve this shit. If you need anything I'm here for ya!

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Also just wanna say as a person who suffers psychosis, do NOT let them blame this on their mental illness or use their mental illness to get away from this. I say this because their page is blank because they claim they're going through a psychotic episode. I've been through them and understand, but it's not a way to dodge responsibility or make this all go away. Do NOT go easy on them because of this.


you can take accountability for things whilst still going through stuff mentally, i can vouch for this bc i’ve had psychotic episodes where i’ve had to take accountability for shitty behavior and i did! so can this person

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This really does say a lot abt them unfortunately I’ve always seen them defending others and supporting cases of ppl ripping off ocs and I always thought to myself because of how hard dipperpines was going with defending colorpicking and theft that they must do it themself so this is really disappointing I’m so sorry you were affected by this:(

I’d like to add that Same alt you linked I’ve seen dipperpines block evade in that same account just to be rude at someone once after the person blocked their main one, I’m aware when this person is confronted with their behavior even in the most calmest way they get extremely defensive as I’ve witnessed but I’m glad you were able to share your experience on this user it’s really sad these are the types of ppl with big numbers in this community. Your adopts are always absolutely gorgeous and you definitely do work hard on your designs as it always shows! It’s unfortunate dealing with something like this basically is the norm for such talented people in this community,, 

How fucken gross. Sorry this happened to you bub. The design is entirely too close to be coincidence.

Thank you 😭 I know, what innocent person lies about where they got the colors + about it being a rejected custom

I've put up my beware https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1102478.psa-design-theft-lying-manipulation thanks for posting this and I'm sorry again that this happened. 

Thank you, added to mine ❤️ Sorry you had to deal with a way more personal experience with them

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I know, looking over all their designs there really are plenty of gorgeous designs that I know not all are copied. It sucks. Thank you <3

thank you for posting this!! I think my close friend has a design by this user so I'll let them know.

Of course!! That would be good to do!!

As the owner of Charmies I apologize that this person copied your character so heavily. It was very unfair to you and troubling to me and the other mod, as I put my trust in River and provided the privilege of creating Charmie adopts in the first place :(

No need to apologize, it wasn't your fault! Thank you for the sincerity <3

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Thank you so much <3