
Posted 8 years, 21 days ago by verfeuern

Guys, I really want a Silk now. I wasn't all that interested before, or in CS in general, but suddenly the need IS SO STRONG help me.


Hey by chance are you still looking?

I definitely am! ;u; Do you know of one being traded?

Tis your lucky day mate I actually happen to have a MYO Silk slot I've never managed to use that you're welcome to have~ The Silk is Robust with all common traits except uncommon horns. ;v; The only issues with it are that due to it being from Cresii's MYO event some months ago it's counted as an "unofficial" Silk (I was never able to finish it in time for approval, along with my own Silk as well) until the next event in which you can submit it to her and have it approved as an official. If that's all okay by you then you have a Silk all your own friend~ ovo

That's very generous of you to offer! I'm definitely interested! However, would it be okay if I contacted Cresii just to make sure its okay to purchase/trade the slot from you? ;u; I didn't see a rule against it on their MYO event journal but I just want to be sure I don't end up going through the effort of creating one, only for there to be an issue later on.

Yes that's perfectly fine! The slot WAS originally bought for a friend, but due to some confusion of communication she ended up buying one herself and I was left with a second MYO. xD But you're totally welcome to contact Cresii for this! Please let her know that I'm offering the slot to you because my friend has realized she'll never use it and I am happy with one Silk for myself, so I don't want this second one to go to waste. ;v;

Oh okay, that makes sense! Thank you so much :> I noted her so I will let you know what she says asap!

Cresii gave me the OK! What were you hoping to get in exchange for the slot? ;u;

2 Replies

What's a Silk? I haven't heard of them before ouo;

They're a closed species by Cresii (TH, DA) :>




All the luck. All of it. If i see anyone trading or selling one i can ping you if you want

Thank you ;u; I would greatly appreciate it if you think of it! Though honestly I don't really think anyone would give one up to me since most people are always looking to swap for other popular CS
A guy can dream!

Ugh yeah, that's one of the worse things about cs - that owners constantly want to "trade up" within the species or with other cs. Bur yeah I'll be in the look out. Don't know anything about the species but you should probably follower the creator on here or da because a lot of them do like.... presales and stuff.

Yeah its really saturated the whole adoptable community. I kind of wish TH would separate the character trading forum for CS and regular adopts (or a separate forum for swapping only). Its kind of a shame haha.
But thanks again! I appreciate it! I am watching Cresii here and on dA so I'm watching like a hawk haha.

Good luck o3ob

Althpigh a quick glance in the trading forum shows that most people seem happy with their silks lol

Yupp haha Silks definitely don't go up for trade as often as some other popular species quq

1 Replies