New Ownership!

Posted 8 months, 25 days ago by moif

Hello Everyone!

I am officially the new owner of Komaruhoyo!
Everything is still in the process of being transferred over but I wanted to get the ball rolling on setting some expectations.

What's going to change?

Not much!
I'm here because I don't like seeing species die quietly into the night if I can help it. So I really just want to prop up what Koma's already was. Any changes I make in the near future will be by and large organizational - streamlining things so that I (and any future staff) can keep an eye on things in a way that works for us.

Future Staff?

So if you happen to already know who I am, you probably know I keep myself very busy already. So I'm going to need quite a bit of help to get Koma's up and running again. For that purpose I need staff! I'm looking both for people willing to pitch an extra hand just for now, to help us get everything together, as well as more permanent staff. Basically if you've got any interest in doing anything at all to help out I'd greatly appreciate you putting in an application!

What's next for Koma's?

Given my own time availability, and the need to on-board staff, and re-build certain processes I don't expect any major events in the next six months.
If you want to stay in the loop about where we're spending out time in the meanwhile I highly suggest joining the discord!

Questions? Concerns? Suggestions for the future?

Feel free to comment here, send a DM, or join the discord, and I'll be sure to respond as soon as I'm able!


hey so i ordered a koma custom from one of the designers before and they didn't respond to me for long time. can i still try to contact them back or not since you mentioned the old staff has been kicked- 

You're certainly welcome to still try on your own, but would you mind DMing me the details? I'll see if I can reach out myself as well.

hello!! (n_n)❤

are those who were staff still in their positions? id like to stay as a designer, or GA if possible ><!

I think in the process of transfer the previous staff were all removed beforehand!
Id be happy to reconsider you for the position you had before, please do fill out the form and mention that as a part of it!

of course!! i will do that , tysm! (n_n)7