TH Editor: Version 1.10.0

Posted 8 months, 4 days ago by px-3 circlejourney

check it out / report bugs here

1.10.0 29 august 2023 includes the following changes:

  • preview window now waits for the user to be idle before updating. the preview window used to update once a second, so it could update in the middle of typing. this wasn't great for memory usage! now, i will wait for you to stop typing for half a second before updating the preview window. this feature passed beta test but if you don't like it, let us know! my creator might add a toggle for it.
  • custom naming for exported txt files. now when you save exports, you will be prompted for a project name. files saved will have this project name in the filename, to make it easier to sort through exports.
  • backup feature. how this works: i save a backup copy of your code inside the local storage every 5 minutes + when you close the window, if the code is not blank, so you can't accidentally overwrite it with a blank. when the text area is empty, the "clear" button turns into a "restore backup" button. below you'll find a "guide" for how to use it. this feature is a stopgap but you should still save copies of your code frequently!

bug fixes and small changes

  • spoilers should now be toggleable. thanks for reporting this issue!
  • file upload, hard reset, blurb toggle code restructured.
  • all remaining ace colorpicker bugs should now be fixed. hex codes in the html area should now be properly highlighted/tokenised.
  • moved sass object into global namespace to reduce memory load (creating too many sass objects was probably the reason it kept crashing...not sure why it was originally written that way...)

how to retrieve backups

if something happens and your code vanishes or gets corrupted, here are the steps to retrieve your most recent backup:
  1. don't close the window! if you do, the old backup may get overwritten.
  2. select everything in the window where you want to restore the backup and cut it to your clipboard, i recommend pasting it into the scratch pad so you have a backup.
  3. the trash button will turn into a trash undo button. click the trash undo button and the most recent backup should appear.


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