Okay but what if I did IRL stickers

Should I?

3 Votes Yes, and I'd buy one
1 Votes Yes, but I wouldn't buy
0 Votes No

I'm thinking of doing physical stickers of a line of art pieces I'm calling Tiny Animals. They would typically range between one and two inches, and each run of stickers would have unique markings and colors. They would be about $5 per sticker. They will be named (so, for example, Tobias the Cat, etc). 

The Tiny Animals look like this. Would people be interested in them?



YESSSSS PLEASE!! I love stickers so much......... I would absolutely get one....or twenty....

[please im so biased i literally collect stickers and have over ~3k at this point im probably not the best person to base this off of HDFJKJHSFDKHJD]

Hah! Don't worry, I'm the same with enamel pins.