-The Major Animation for Desert's Edge was placed on hold for a while due to college starting up and me trying to finish up commissions from January. 

After this week, I will be continuing the clean up for the animation. I can tease that this animation will be 4-5 minutes long approxiamately teehee.

-Part 2 of the "Guide to Desert's Edge" will be starting Mid-march production! I can't wait for that >:)

-More character reference sheets and update will be coming out soon >:) 
But for now, the Desert's Edge site HAS been updated (as of 1/26/2024), GO CHECK IT OUT: https://desertsedge.carrd.co/#home

There are new characters to Desert's Edge and old ones that have been revamped, here's the list of the ones that have been updated recently:

I also managed to update my main CARRD as well so go check that out too:

Despite my pretty busy schedule, I hope to dish out comics soon and introduce the other cast of Desert's Edge, full with voice acting >:D

Anyways that's it for updates for now.
If you've read up until this point:

I'm opening up ART TRADES!
It's free for anyone who wants to do one just know that at this current moment, I'm only taking 1-2 trades. I'll be slowly selecting people overtime so yip yip!
See ya'll on the flipside!


I'd be down doing art trades we can talk more later :}

Good luck on all your projects! Deserts Edge has been so cool with the stuff coming out :] I’d love to do an art trade! My commissions sheet has examples https://artistree.io/wandermoth💙

I’d be so down to do an art trade with you! Thank you for the chance! 🕺🤸


and gl with your projects for Desert’s Edge! It’s really cool seeing you work on them on call on the DE discord server and even more cooler seeing them finished! :>

Would love to do an art trade with you! If not now then at some point it'd be fun! Here's art examples: https://kirbyherpaderpy.carrd.co/#commissions

Edit cause I also wanted to say how awesome it is with your work on Desert's Edge and everything, can't wait to see what's to come! (I really need to get back to working on my guy for it lol)

I'd love to do a trade with you! Thanks for the chance! 😭🙏

Here's some art examples of mine, these ones are more recent:

Example One

Example Two

Example Three

Example Four

Good luck with your projects btw! ^^