Ugh. Rant ahead

Posted 7 years, 7 months ago by _featherweather

When do you just... give up on getting what someone owes you?

Because it's been over a year now and I'm so fucking frustrated. Like, I thought she was my friend, I loved talking to her about OCs, I got her a design because she said she really loved Tammaro, I bought her shit just to give her a hand.

But then she disappears and when I try to ask what happened I get scorned at. So then I take a firm but still polite stance and ask for either my money back or the commission I'm owed.

And I still don't get it. 

And now she's claiming she sent me it - which she didn't and I have multiple screenshots of proof along with the original emails - and that she's going to refuse any other discourse with me.

And I'm just...

So fucking passed and it's come up again and I had to smile and not mention it because it's going to start a fight again and I'm just

I want to give up. I'm so tired of this bullshit. But on the other hand, I don't want to stop because admitting defeat is letting her win and I can't have that because it's fucking wrong and I like to think that I try to not let that happen.

Just fuck


yeah if it's for a commission, don't give up! she can't just be forgiven and forgotten. in the long run she will think it's ok to be irresponsible with her art business.

Well, she's seemingly stopped doing commissions - part of the issue is that a bit after I ordered p much all her social media accounts were wiped and it's just frustrating as hell.

I'm probably going to give her a couple of more days on deviantArt and then try emailing her again idk.

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Thanks. The problem is that I've already gone through PayPal and my response from them was pretty much "you messed up by saying friends and family,we're not obligated to help you because it technically wasn't sent as payment for a service" and I'm honestly kinda leery of doing an artist beware because idk how LiveJournal works any more e3e

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Yeah well,since her I've been pretty anal about always using goods/ services (which caused a problem when I'm actually sending money to my folks)

Idk like, if she was still offering coms, I wouldn't dither but unless I knew what her new handle is online I can't do much??? Like, I have a suspicion of her new handle but without proof I don't want to accuse because ithere's a chance it might just be another well meaning person who was also duped.

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I might just do that actually. Just... without giving too big specifics I guess e3e

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