request box

Posted 3 months, 28 days ago by yaboisonne

if you have ideas/requests for HTML/CSS codes, drop 'em down below. if i use them to make something, you will get access to it (and you will be credited) :3c


i feel like i see a lot of world codes for things such as closed species and groups and such, but not really for stuff like... personal stories and projects. like just something that has like basic info on the world, locations, story synopsis, and character roster. i have a ton of stories i'd love to have worlds with codes for but i haven't found anything that good :(

also it can be hard to find a basic character profile code because so many codes nowadays are SUPER DETAILED, but like, some people just want some basic info and fun facts lmao

gods, do i get it. i will probably make something for this soonish, since i wanted to make worlds for my stories as well - do you feel like this HTML contains enough information, or would you want to see something more added?
also, if you have an aesthetic in mind, let me know - i'm ngl, i'm a bit out of design juice (hence the drought of codes on my side) lol

irt character profile code - do you mean simple like this (barely any info, there for the aesthetic) or something like this (some basic information, links, about me + some images)?

yeah, that's perfect actually! i didn't even know that one existed :0 also maybe for the aesthetic, you could do like a studio ghibli forest theme! examples here, here, here, and here!

and i was thinking more along the lines of the second one for the character code :3

you know those eeny character profile boxes people sometimes make...what about one that has the ye olde final fantasy NES aesthetic, like this one

im not gonna lie to u, i made this but im not sure what it can be used for :v check it out

if you have ideas where to insert it, i could adjust it so it's actually more than a textbox...? or did u want a textbox >->

Idkwym this goes hard

Tbh I was thinking of those scrawny ass profile boxes that scroll, will have to grab an example when I'm home