When you upload, please make sure to set design tradeability to REGIFT, RETRADE, RESELL


If you don't, it will be stuck as cannot transfer. And I have to manually change it !

You can also set this as your Default settings here: https://toyhou.se/~account/characters (so you don't have to make sure its checked every character upload!)


I was wondering if the permissions on these two could be changed whenever you have the time? Thank you!!



Just realized mine isn’t transferable! Could you possible change it for me? 



I have this guy who's stuck in "cannot be transferred" and unsure if they weren't ment to be this way or not. Is it possible to have this fixed?


i was wondering where you sell your adopts? ^^

My default is set to this but this guy isn't for some odd reason, https://toyhou.se/4924893.puck
Would you mind fixing it for me?

This user is not visible to guests.


Thanks for this info, I had no idea !!

All my other designs are set to this, but I'm not sure why this one I have isn't.

Would you mind updating it for me?


thank you!

Gotcha! I'll make sure to set mine in the future like that! Thank you!