Human Art Improvement Thingy c:

Posted 3 years, 5 months ago by Skykristal

SO.. Recently I did a new ref for Lui again and .. feel like I slowly start to improve on drawing humans. So here´s just a quick post from me showing off a little comparison. :) from oldest no newest. idk let me know what you think if you like   


December 2019 (I hate that style so much lol, it doesn´t suit him.. but I tried)


September 202026797160_zsFokOIJC2R1G6l.jpg

January 202129960930_SJSIyNuB9TXNOBF.jpg?1609555787I swear drawing fingers is a nightmare but I´m slowly getting to it 


That’s quite an improvement!

thank you :´0   

Oh my god that improvement is absolutely insane! Congrats!! :00

ooo thank you!! I´m very happy you think that way qwq

It's true!! You've come such a long way after just slightly over a year!