Official Specibloom QnA

Posted 3 years, 5 months ago by nighty-

Have questions about the Species? Ask them here!! (Ping taffy_draws, nighty-, and Generations for quicker response!)


So I have a Cryptobloom, is that a sub-species? Also, what does that mean? ( taffy_draws           nighty-                 wiinter )

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Tails include animals that live in water, reptiles, dragons, worm tails, shells, etc

Do the speciblooms have a discord?

they will soon!!

Is there any way (currently) to get a bioluminescent myo slot or to get a bioluminescent trait? Also, do speciblooms live together in groups or towns, or are they more solitary animals? ( taffy_draws Cozy_Niqht Snowflqke )

At the moment, no. We are still working on myo's and stuff so it might take a while :"D Speciblooms generally live in small family groups and sometimes work at resorts/etc. since they were created by humans for multiple reasons including cash-crop farming on their backs, taking care of invasive species (invasive lobsters in the area) etc.!! I won't give away too much of about it because how Speciblooms were created and stuff is kinda a work in progress and might change in the future!! :D

some more facts about this species that aren't mentioned here:

-speciblooms' antlers/horns exist as a defense mechanism, as they tend to be smaller than their fully mammalian counterparts and need to have sharp features in order to fend off larger, intimidating creatures. some have no need for these horns, although this is rare and can be considered a mutation. glowing eyes are also a defense mechanism, but can aid wild speciblooms that live in caverns or need to spend time in the depths of ocean abysses.

-speciblooms are obedient and intelligent creatures. they were bred originally by humans, which explains some of their more superficial aspects. there are wild populations of speciblooms dispersed throughout the world, but they tend to elude the eyeshot of foreign humans.

-humans raised speciblooms to use their plants as cash crops (i.e. lulu's lotuses are used in a traditional lotus-paste bun that is sold at local food vendors). they can also use them as a replacement for human service, as they are dexterous and nimble. plants can have purposes aside from cultivation: they help wild speciblooms to camouflage and can be repurposed as a supply of emergency provisions and/or healing herbs.

-the metallic plasma that circulates through a specibloom's veins is an excellent conductor of heat, which their fur helps to insulate. this can help plants grow if the weather is gloomy or otherwise inhospitable.

-while extremely rare, some speciblooms whose jelly is especially fertile can temporarily become a host for primitive animals to dwell on (i.e. barnacles, starfish, etc.). some can even house fish, though this is NEVER a part of their permanent design. features other than plants, algae, and fungi should be used sparingly.

-occupations for speciblooms include guides (bioluminescent variations who act as oracles for other speciblooms and can lead them to a specific destination, such as a sunken treasure or a long lost sibling), exterminators (strong and agile speciblooms who often go on dangerous missions in urban areas to defeat evil and regulate invasive species), and assistants (including hotel/resort workers, very obedient and have strong work ethic).

-depending on the cold-blooded species (or multiple), some speciblooms may have gills and/or possess the ability to breathe underwater. however, reptiles and some amphibian varieties cannot go without pure oxygen.

could animals such as barnacles live on a specibloom sustained by the jelly and by plant waste? ( taffy_draws Cozy_Niqht Snowflqke)

yep!! barnacles are a super rare and legendary trait!! c:


yea!! :D

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yes, they can! it's not recommended, as it may be difficult, but if you're capable, go for it!!

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