finished tagging everyone (i hope)!
you can view the list of tags at /...misc/ (!tags)
(be mindful that some of the tags only apply to characters that are in my trade folder)

also stole a meme from persuasively-pink who stole it from someone else lol.
(it's supposed to be for muses but hell, i'mma do it for me because i'm bored)

bold what you can do!

bake a cake from scratch.“ride” a “horse”. drive a submarine. speak a second language. dance.
catch a fish. play an instrument. throw a punch. build a deck. ice skate.
unclog a drain. program a computer. change a flat tire. fire a gun. sew.
juggle. play poker. paint. fly a kite. sculpt.
write poetry. change a diaper. sing. shoot a bow & arrow. ride a bike.
swim. sail a boat. do a back flip. play chess. give cpr.
pitch a tent. flirt. stitch a wound. read palms. use chopsticks.
write in cursive / calligraphy. use an electric drill. braid hair. make a campfire. make a mixed drink.
do sudoku puzzles. wrap a gift. give a good massage. jump - start a car. roll their tongue.
magic tricks. do yoga. tie a tie. skip a rock. shuffle a deck of cards. read morse code. pick a lock. 

did anyone else watch the team skate yesterday???
i didn't know that Kiahra and Suzaki (Japan's pair skaters for the team event) were going to skate to Yuri on Ice!!
my sister and i flipped out shit and scared our dog when the first few bars began to play omfg
link: (edit - damn Olympics/NBC/Comcast, fuxk you too)

(and last year's grand prix also used history maker to help open the finals omfg)


they actually did it, the absolute madmen!


A lot of people rag on YOI but it has great music, great characters and p legit animation 

And it made ice skating popular again