trying to trim down

Posted 5 years, 9 months ago by _featherweather

so i'm taking offers on nearly all my characters!!

have a look see through all my characters.
designs tagged "melissa" are definitely the easiest (some might even be freebs!).
"2012 spark" is kind of middle ground? some of these i still like but i'm having problems with stories for them.
last but not least, "oh rival" is the tag for designs that are probably no go's unless you offer me my dreams lol.
feel free to offer on them but the answer 99.9% of the time is no.

(first who gets the reference gets a free design of my choosing - now with hints because no one got it which surprised me haha)

cash > art > other stuff > ------ > other designs
(sorry i'm just trying to cut down on characters)

anyone's who name is in [brackets] are currently not up for offers because they're in the midst of trades.
characters tagged "resell" i can definitely take cash on.
three way trades are 1oo% okay with me


i don't know what the asterisk means but is still catching my eye ;v;

I didnt recognize your username lol.

Asterisks dont have a meaning lol.

That kid is totes up for offers o3ob 

LMAO yeah i changed it to something a bit more mature

would you take good old fashioned art for the kid

yeah totes! would like 2 or 3 pieces be okay? m

aaa since i know your discord i'll dm you my art folder ;v;


  • "melissa" + "2012 spark" + "oh rival"
  • it's not regarding the novel "Spark" by Melissa Dereberry
  • short shounen protagonist in search of truth

hh, I've kinnda had my eye on this ? I don't know what you'd want for it though (When you say [brackets], does that include the ( ) sort of brackets too? I'm now kinnda worried I've offered on something being traded already aha''), I can't offer money o; I could offer a line art only bust of a male character or static large pixels of some feral/creature stuff? Latest examples of my (inconsistent x'D) style and whatnot. 

the ones in parenthesis are still up for offers xD they just didn't have names lol.

Uff, I feel a tad daft now x'D; You've transferred it but is there something you want for it? ;o;

yeah o3ob it's been sitting in my th for a while so if you're interested i rather get them xferred over and used haha

ahh thank you! ; o ; I'll be putting them in my Digi-verse >v</

ooh cool!

i need to work more on digimon stuff rip

...2012 spark....melissa :thinking: this is a long shot but is it the novel Spark by Melissa Dereberry, that came out back in 2012?
also i hope you dont mind me faving some characters! you have a lot of nice ones ive never seen before. ^.^

lol totally fine!

and nope, that's not the reference sorry ^^; sounds like an interesting book though!

I'm interested in Ciar but I don't know if I have anything you want

Ciar i'm fairly sure i'm keeping unless it was for another Huuni design, sorry ^^;

Fair enough. : ) Good luck trimming down tho~
