Quick question

Posted 5 years, 4 months ago by fizzelston

Yo! If you, yes YOU, had Salvador's powers (aging everything you touch with your bare hands, ) what would you do with it 🤔?

I'm looking g for some more... Unique ways to use his powers in my story (TM) so... I hope too get some inspiration from y'all tbh! :^)


if you had kids you could grow them up super fast........ 

Could make cash off people who want to be 21/drinking age... as like a weird service.  (but that's not something I would do hahaha)

man Idk. uhrhrhrhrhgh

I'm gonna think on this cus I think this is a very interesting thing.

AHGD we have a saying in the Netherlands that's: ze groeien als kool , wichh basically means they grow so fast as cabbages eixh would be fair in this situation shhs

Too bad that kids from an age of 6 already drink beer in my setting :^( as its cleaner then water 

He could age all the wood in his home, till it was petrified and need special equipment to break

Instant fortress

OH OH!thats cool!! 

I'd say I'd age wine or other alcohols and then sell it. Maybe in a fraudish way, call it a fancy wine brand, but I digress.

Sgsg Gid i love the idea of them selling cheap wine as super expensive ones, thank you!

No problemo ^^

Make really good cheese, dry paint, and cool my food if it's too hot.

SGGW YALL CHEESE LOVERS!?? The paint is a really good idea tho thank you!!!

Glad to help! :)

Is it bad that my mind immediately jumped to selling fake antiques?

YOOO..... That gave me an idea thank YOU!

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AGSG I FEEL YOU... id would miss hugging pp too.

Yeah! I most of the time use it to let Sal and Ros escape places they normally wouldn't escape! Rotting doors and rotting window frame are my favorite things to write, but he rots at some point the floor too! I was looking for something different beside rotting pp houses to get the sweet sweet loot

The threat is really cool though!! Maybe i can use that 

Big agree with the users below me! Especially with the cheese thing (I hate when I buy cheese and I still have to wait for it to be old enough lmao), and oh, I think it would be pretty nice if you grow fruits and stuff in your garden and you're impatient like me :') (green raspberries drive me mad... let me eat you already plz) 

Ohh.. Maybe I should give Sal a small plant or something (as he... Doesn't have the space to have a garden agsgs ) maybe with some expensive af fruits or something 🤔🤔🤔

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Well, I would use it to age cheese and wine- That would be really useful since cheese and wine takes a long time to age.

 And maybe if certain herbs or something needs time to sit, the aging powers might work- Unless it rots to fast whoops-

Annnd lastly, I would use it to grow forests!! If you really need trees to grow faster, you can use the aging powers to grow ‘em in no time! :Dc

Hope these ideas help owo

The wine one is GENIUS tbh... I can see Ros drinking fancy "old wine" (read the cheapest wine possible that Sal aged to a more... Tasteful age) with his business partners at any given moment...

Thank you so much for your ideas dude!!

Ayeee ya welcome!! I’m glad to help!! ^^