September Prompt - Memories

Posted 1 year, 8 months ago by dreadnauts



the picture is faded, crease lines showing its wear. you can't help but feel a sense of familiarity

I remember your kind smile —  what is this feeling?



Prompts are monthly mini events where you can earn Fisher Tokens! They reset every second of the month, along with the monthly bulletin. The deadline for the prompt is September 31st. We will be removing the voting system for a full raffle system instead. From the time they surfaced, or even memories on land or water.. what are the highlights of their backstories? Which memories make them happy or sad?  Is it from the soft dreamlands of childhood or the deciding moment that made your dreadnauts who they are?  Is it a memory they think of often?  Where were they when this happened and what stuck out to them?  Every Naut has their days and their moments that they think back on, some fondly and others with a bit of grimace.  Which lane will they wander down and will they surface or keep it a secret?

Art Submissions
1. Must be at least a clean half body (thighs and up) sketch, flat colored at minimum. Monochrome is counted for Traditional Art.
2. Can focus on one Dreadnaut or have multiple!  
3. We'll have Fisher Tokens distributed based on how many drawings are submitted.
4. You are allowed to submit a prompt with a single character, or multiple. Each drawing will still provide you. 1 currency.
5. 1 drawing  = 1 FT
6. You may earn a maximum of 3 tokens this prompt.
7. SPECIAL RULE: Users may create one-off drawing related to one or multiple dreadnauts, or they can have all their submissions relate to one or multiple dreadnaut's backstories in chronological order. (Similar to a comic)
8. Please keep the content SFW.

Writing Submissions
1. You can submit multiple, or one piece - the word count will be totaled
2. Submissions are via GDocs , TH Literature, A03 link, please make sure the work is public
450 words = 1 FT / 1 raffle ticket
700 words = 2 FTs / 2 raffle ticket
1200 words = 3 FTs / 3 raffle ticket
3. SPECIAL RULE: You can write a one-off story about your dreadnaut’s backstory, or you may separate it by chapters. 

1 Drawing/450 Words = 1 Raffle Ticket (You can enter for up to three raffle tickets!)
THIS MONTH'S RAFFLE PRIZES- 3 Decayed Slots - 2 Common Slots

If you don’t have a naut for the prompt, you may draw/write about one of our NPCs!



I thought I loved you, and that may have been true once. But time is a cruel mistress, and we're just small boats torn apart by a heavy storm.
Do you still remember what we were? - M



do we submit our entries here?

Hello!  Prompt entries are submitted here! >>

Due to the nature of the prompt, are we allowed to draw a dreadnaut’s sea terror instead of their humanoid form? I ask because of the half body rule.

Yeah! We'll count it as one drawing regardless