Posted 1 year, 8 months ago by Mazapan


A new machine has been installed for the Halloween season!


For this event you'll be able to claim a special event MYO which will allow you to make a Halloween themed Clawbie utilizing some special traits!
All the traits and how to get the MYO will be listed below.

What are Clawbies?

Clawbies are anthro or feral creatures that seem to originate from claw machines, no one has actually seen one be created but once they are they’re always found inside or outside of them before leaving their original machine.

The rest of the info can be found in the World, There you can also find our discord server

Requirements to Enter

To participate in this event you will need to do a few things, which are the following-

-Join the species world

-Share the event in a bulletin (Make sure to link it)

-Tag 2 people 

-Comment once you've done both things and link your bulletin

You can only claim one MYO Ticket for this event, do not use alt accounts to try and get more


For this event you'll be able to use any combination of the following traits on your Clawbie! As always if you have any questions about a trait or want to do something you don't see feel free to ask!






If you chose to join we hope you'll have fun creating your Clawbie and enjoy the species




Would I be okay to join right now? I could make a quick concept.


^^builtin I made

Tickletheartist AggressiveKid (Sorry for tags my dudes)

The event has ended to join now, last day was yesterday and the extension only aplyed to those that already had their MYO

Oh okay, ty!

did all of the requirements ^_^


KC_Ashton & Ekklipse (if both of y'all already joined, I apologize for the tags :,))

You’re fine to tag me B)

ur good, ur good

MYO has been sent over

thank you!

can I still enter right now? Or is it too late? 

I wouldnt recomend joining it today as we're only giving a 3 day extencion

Ah ye, I thought that today was the last day and I would just make the design rn 

(I've sketched ideas out on paper but was debating if I should join or not cuz I thought it was too late lol)

We accept sketches to be submited and completed later

oh alright! So do I just do the requirements  to join rq and post them? 


1 Replies

I finished it's my first time making a clawbie but I hope it's ok if any changes need to be made I'll do so.

Theyre aproved!


The character has been completed! Is everything alright, or will I need to make some changes?

[The full image can be found here, in case you need it.]

(And if you don't like the art? I'm not surprised, I hate it too lmao)

They're good to go

Alright, thanks! 👻

FInished my pal!! Is everything ok with the design? ^^

They're good to go

Okie, thanks ^^

Quick question, would you be able to make a Clawbie version of an existing character? Or make a different version of your Clawbie character as a different species? :0

Yes but the designs a will always have to be together with the OG if traded or anything.

If it’s not your design just make sure the designer is ok with it

Ok tysm! :D

I went ahead and made a WIP pic of the character! Some stuff is most likely probably gonna be added to the deisgn (I won’t add traits) But I wrote down the basic traits that they will have for their clawbie form! I hope that’s ok! ^^

Theyre good to go just remeber to not forget the stitches and tag

Hi! I don't know where to put this, but I finished my design! LMK if they need any adjustments!

You’re only missing the stitches other than that they’re good to go

Already in the world ! Tagging Kumiko- and rhysmirabal

edit: forgot to add the link- https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1007889.myo-

Your MYO will be sent over

Sent your MYO over

I’d like to enter, please! I’m already in the world, and here’s the bulletin!

Annd for the pings, Expandiball and RaiEspooky (I am so so sorry if you don’t want pings, I couldn't think of anyone else D:)

Sending your MYO over



This user is not visible to guests.

Your MYO has been sent

dw its fine !

Sent your myo over!

idk if ill join or not but i revived ur event https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1004986.reviving-this-event-lol

also in the event that i ever get and use a myo, do i post the concept character in the myo profile or in a new one?

Sent your MYO over!
please post it in the myo profile



I have sent a world request!

Taggies:  wait aithne and DonutRengoku 

Sending your MYO over

Tysm! I do have a question tho Are we allowed to have more than addon for example can our character have 2 tails one different from the other? Also are we allowed to use the hairclips tags or those are off limits for special  people??

Clawbies can only have 1 tail

and what do you mean by hairclip tag?

The Special tags 

These are free to use for the event

1 Replies

Are we allowed to have ripped bits and multiple areas using the stitches/body acc? 

you can add those to your Clawbies 

Sending your MYO over!

ty !

sent your MYO over

Joined! Bulletin link here!

Liicht anonymousflame

Sorry for the wait, your slot has been sent

Sending your MYO

Aaa thank you qwp

Sending your MYO


Sending your MYO over

I'm not sure how to join the species world. {First Time ever doing this}

Tagging: RabbitFrenzy Symulacrum {Picked Randomly}

Bulletin: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/992624.plusheek-myo-event-

Please join the world, theres a button on the side that says "request membership"

ill send the MYO

Requested Membership!

I'm just curious, but is it alright to add: Cande and Stitches?

Also: Bat Wings and Edgy Eyes?


Please read through the bulletin

They’re good to go

2 Replies

world join request sent

bulletin made https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/992555.myo-event-nm- 

tagging mappy and plush500 this species is cute and quirky please dont murder me lmao

Sending your MYO in a moment

Sent a join request (Edit: Successfully joined the world). Created a bulletin. Tagged TheFruityPeafowl and CorruptPup (I got permission to tag the first person, the other one is my friend who I believe is in the Clawbie world, but has said nothing about this event.)

P.S.: I can't see the images in the bulletin, are there other ways to access them?

Edit: Another side note, can I draw my character on paper? I may not be able to draw them digitally until after the event ends, I've had no time to use my drawing iPad (Currently using a different device to access Toyhouse. I can't draw well on it).

Oh crap i forgor to enter the event. thx for reminding!

I’m unsure on why you’re unable to see the images as they’re there and show up for others, atm we don’t have them somewhere else easily aviable but I’ll update the character profile for the species with it when I get the chance

And yes that’s totally fine dw 

Hey, uh- sorry for not really working on the character thing, but on the 31st- is that the day they all expire, or the last day we can work on our characters? I have no idea if I'll be able to work on my MYO character over the weekend, and I just wanted to make sure I knew when they expired, I'm not too good with time lol- I don't know what I'm saying now. Take the croissant I'm tired 🥐

You can submit a sketch and finish it later, the 31st is the last day to submit smt for it 

Heyo! I started working on my Clawbie and was wondering If this was okay? I choose a Prawn as my animal!


That’s good just remeber to add stitches to them 

Of course! Thank you!

Sadly I won't be able to finish this guy, since my Ipad was taken away before I could. I guess I won't be able to submit them or anything due to the myo expiring. So I'll save the design for when I can use it I guess.

Sending your slot over!


This user is not visible to guests.


This user is not visible to guests.

It’ll be send over in a moment 

1) yes you need to send it in for approval , it can be through TH or discord

 And I’m not sure what you mean by the charms 

This user is not visible to guests.

Oh it would be like little things that hand from their tails, they have to be small though 

This user is not visible to guests.

You’re good, feel free to ping me in stuff if you want to :)

This user is not visible to guests.

Your myo will be sent to you

Here is my bulletin 


I can't tag anyone, because I don't socialize much here, I hope it doesn't disqualifies me, but if it do, I will understand.

Yep, sorry, without two pings you are not able to make a plusheek this event, but if you can, you're always open to join the discord and ask there if someone will let you tag them

Thanks for the suggestion, that's what I'll do

In world , created the bulletin ,and for tags; mawjaws and Galaxyeve101

Sending your slot over

lmao i havent checked th in ages

yeah, i assumed that. hello ,old friend!

hello! i dont really remember you since im certain that you changed your user, who where you again?

Uhhh.. I used many names but here's some you may remember; PercyFangirl78 ,Tragediest ,MythTheFormerHunter ,or Doodleo. We did an art collab awhile ago.

oh yeah! i was wondering where you went for so long :,D

2 Replies
This user is not visible to guests.

I have been summoned >:)

Your MYO will be sent in a bit 

This user is not visible to guests.

Ill send you your MYO

This user is not visible to guests.

Requested to join

Bulletin: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/974305.check-out-this-cool-lil-thing


Wefellinloof MaxxDraxx (don't mind the ping I wanted to check this out..)

sending your MYO over!

Ooh! Oki! Can't wait to see whatcha make!

This user's account has been closed.

Sent your MYO over! ^^

already joined the world!

goggle-guy JustCass i feel like you two would like this

and bulletin: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/973885.woah-another-event-thingie

sending it in a moment

Hello! I've requested to join, here's my bulletin!

Not sure how to tag people. Uh.  PixalBunnii Ugotocs

sending it over

This user is not visible to guests.

Your myo will be send in a bit

This user is not visible to guests.

Admin Prince here, We'll get to it in a minute :>

This user is not visible to guests.

Admin Prince here, I'll get it to you in a sec :3

This user is not visible to guests.

already in the world! bulletin's right here, 404NeverFound + Denizen !

Admin Prince here, ill send it in a moment :>

Sending it over

This user is not visible to guests.

Click on “request membership” to join 

This user is not visible to guests.

It should be on the sidebar of the world

This user is not visible to guests.

Sending it over

- Already in the world 

- Bulletin~ here

Tagging~ SkittleCat Breezeyheart

(I thought you two might be interested, let me know if you don’t want to be tagged anymore <3 ) 

Sending it over

Thank you

I did the bulletin

im already in world

How do i tag osmebody + i have nobody to tAg

Sorry for this event the tagging 2 people is required 

to tag you go @(person’s username)  

Oh ok!!

Im going to tag



maybe you’ll like this^^^

i dont like being pinged


Yo, if you need someone to tag for these events (these ones specifically) I’m free to tag :]

1 Replies

Sending it over

Sending it



Pings StephyBean Neo91502 (sorry if these are wrong sob)

I sent a request to join the world ^^

Sending it over

This user's account has been closed.

Sending it

MYO has been sent

MYO will be sent shortly 

MYO has been sent

MYO Has been sent

MYO has been sent


MYO has been sent

little question: are you able to combine traits and am i ok to make a up a new halloween themed tag? (Bat)

Yes go ahead

This user's account has been closed.

MYO has been sent

Bulletin: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/970347.halloween-myo-event-nm-

Joined world

-Pepper- Tri (sorry for the ping)

MYO has been sent


Sending it over

Admin Prince here, we'll send it over in a moment <3

Thank you for the myo!

I love hallowween!

just got accepted in the world!!

im gonna ping Toebeans_ and Drooppaw

sorry for the ping :/ 

Admin Prince here, we'll send it to you soon :>

Eeee! I love this theme and already have a rough design <3

Part of the world already from the sweet themed event

Bulletin: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/969726.clawbie-myo-event

Tagging: HUECYCLES and LittleMushroomSnail

[Hope you folks don't mind]

Admin Prince here, I'll send it in a moment :3

This user is not visible to guests.

Admin Prince here, I'll send it in a sec ^^


bulletin and I am in the world already! 

calicogutz Bitez (sorry for the tag besties)

Admin Prince here, I'll send it in a moment <3

Tyty prince!! Have a good day!

This user is not visible to guests.

Sending in a moment

How many times! Do I have to say; don't ping me for these!

This user is not visible to guests.

Sending it!

Requested to join!


tenjiku seraphiim

sending in a moment

sending it!

sending it over!

Already in world
Bulletin: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/969283.plusheek-clawbie-halloween-
Stellarbre mintyyboba (sorry if these don't interest you!)

sending it!

Thank you kindly!

sending it over

Admin Prince here, ill send it over in a sec :3

joined the world + Bulletin 

tigerfae Wilby (sorry for the ping)

sending it in a moment

Requested to join the world! https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/969133.plusheek-clawbie-myo-event-

Tags: Systemsoftware115 MajesticSquid (Really sorry for the pings)

Admin Prince here, sending in a second :>

Admin Prince here, sending it in a moment :3c

already joined world + bulletin! ^_^ 

pawzbutton wnderlands

Admin Prince here, sending it over soon ^^

ty! ^_^

Sending it over!

Thrushtix PinkCat 


(For the first one I asked a question on how to join the world) 

Admin Prince here, we'll send it in a moment, and yep! You figured it out haha /pos

Omg thank you!!! I can't wait to make one I got a super amazing idea!!!! 

Admin Prince here, we'll send it in a moment :3c

This user is not visible to guests.

Admin Prince here, we'll send it in a moment :3

Admin Prince here, we'll send over the MYO in a moment ^^

Everything is done! I'm already in the world :>

Bulletin Here!

Pilot_the_cat  cloudykarma (sorry for the pings!)

sending ina  moment

Requested to join the world

HickorySeed sandwichbread (sorry for pings but I think y’all will like this species!!)

sending it

Already in the world, bulletin here! https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/968661.plusheek-plusheek- aaand I'll ping whichhats and Waredragon11 

sending it




I think y'all would like this cool speices!! Alsp sorry for tagging you guys <3

Sending in a moment

sending it over

yay yay!! Just joined the world + got approved :D

https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/968553.-yippeee-clawbie-halloween-myo-event- bulletin boop

And (sorry for the ping guys! Thought you might be at least a teeny bit interested? ^^') Volts_OwO // CancriPlasm


Already in the world!

Bulletin here, aaaaah, I’m excited!

Tagging: gimikiss MythicalBat (sorry if y’all didn’t want to be tagged, just thought you’d be interested)


Thank you!!!
I’m really excited with this one! Halloween’s one of my favorite holidays!

Anywho, hey, I hope you’re having a good day/night wherever you may be and don’t forget to take care of yourself!! 💕 /g + /p

Already in the world

bulletin: Here! 

tagging: FenixFox + Nyx_Atlas
sorry for the tags guys!


quick question, is there any traits aside from the fluffy tail trait that can affect a clawbies tail?? I'm thinking about making my plusheek possum themed and would like to incorporate a possum or possum-ish tail if possible :>

Atm we only have that trait, any more animal like tails would need it 

sending it over

sending it over


Kyuuminn -magu- srry 4 the ping!

already in the world!


This user is not visible to guests.

sending in a moment

Sending it over

This user is not visible to guests.

sending in a moment

Bulletin: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/968269.clawbies-again-

tagging BrittDub and Edion

Joined the species a while ago.

sending over


i have no friends but i'll try to find someone to ping in a reply to this x'(

Gangstersss and NimbyNimbus

(sorry if the ping annoys u mb😭)

MYO has been sent over