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Hi! I'd LOVE TO ASK A QUESTION! i USE THIS CODE FOR MY d&d CHARACTER AND i'D LOVE TO KNOW - CAN THE BUTTONS AT THE BOTTOM BE PUSHED A LITTLE BIT DOWN? sO THEY WOULDN'T TOUCH THE BOX WITH THE INFO? (well they don't touch the box but these are more near the box than the bottom line of the bigger box and I would love to have them more center-ish, my explanation is ... not so great, uhhh) ;O iF YESH HOW COULD i DO IT? here they are... kinda a little bit lower than here And I bought from the 2nd link, Idc if I can access the first one without paying again to change the buttons and I don't want to pay double aaa ;====; I may be dumb in which case I'm very sorry!

hello hello!!

no worries, if you just want the buttons a bit down that's a easy thing that you can do! would you be able to identify the nav row? you can search with a ctrl+f in the code and look for nav-pills, you'll see there's a <ul> class that starts all the <li> with nav-item's right? before the nav-pills, there's a div exaclty like this: <div class="row mb-3">, correct? you can add a mt-3, it'll look like this: <div class="row mb-3 mt-3"> here it is in visuals:


that will create an space on top as well! let me know if this helps! c:

It works! Thank you so much!   

no worries, glad it helped! <3