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Hi there! I bought one of your CSS + HTML codes a few minutes ago and I ran into a small problem!
I'm not sure how to fix it since I copy-pasted it from the file without changing anything.
The HTML doesn't fully cover as it showed on the live example.
Here you can see how it looks on my profile and this is how it's supposed to look.
I'm not sure if it's a fault on my side or if there is a bug but I'd love to know how to fix it^^
Thank you for your time

[edit] wanted to let you know that the character code works perfectly fine!

hello hello! can you send me a message with the link where you're using it so i can inspect what might be the problem please? :o

sorry for the delay, this week is been a rush with some exams, so at max of next week i'll be able to help you properly with that!! ♡

Yes of course!