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Hi, I’m new to the whole closed species community, but I was wondering if I could become a guest designer, I’ll follow the rules to the T, and I’d like to get more involved with some perhaps not so well known species, if not that’s okay, but I’d like to make my own species to sell at some point so I’d like an in to the community, feel free to browse my art before you decide, I’m not the best at art, but I like to think I’m at least half decent, whatever your decision may be, thanks for reading this and taking the time to consider, thank you -Lucky

If you're only starting out now in closed species and want to feel a little more comfortable with the ins and outs of designing adoptables, I suggest becoming a regular designer first! You can still make designs, just with a more restricted set of traits (which doesn't really hinder the final quality of the design), and it's still a good way to get acquainted with the designing rules and whatnot

Thanks I’ll keep that in mind, and come back once I’ve got a bit more experience!