Comments on Your favourite css/html for long profiles? All Comments Start of Thread Parent

The scrolling tabs remembering where you left your scrolling are genuinely so impressive, one of those things you don't necessarily *notice* consciously but they make reading SO much more enjoyable especially if there is a lot of it and you might want to switch to another tab to cross-check info (in your case likely the glossary). Also big agree on a lot of those points you listed, especially character image + basic info always showing and the boxes scaling to monitor are really big ones for me too and something I'd prefer all my codes to have.

As a sidenote, the point about handedness and where your mouse rests is really interesting because I usually hold mine on the left side of the screen! But I feel like so enlightened about that position of scrollbar in relation to accessing gallery faster, I never thought about it before but it's brilliant.

And yeah man I feel like at this point people don't read profiles in the first place, like no matter how long or short they are chances are people in the games don't even open the profile. It's very sad but also freeing in the way that I no longer feel like I have to Optimize(tm) my profiles for fast consumption because it's been stressing me out a lot at one point even if I did very little about it in the end. I still do prefer adding short blurb on front page + summary section in the background info but yeah if people read they read and I imagine those people also know how to skim through text to find what they need if there are forum games involved.

I actually really really like the layouts I have for Blair and Claude, they're sort of frankensteined result of two codes by eggy/pinky. The problem is though that they're horribly optimized for mobile use because I didn't know how to combine those codes in a way they'd scale evenly, and I also really would prefer if on mobile you wouldn't have to scroll any tab text but instead it'd be one longer block. I don't know if this is possible only with CSS but I wouldn't mind it because then it'd at least give the Chance for better mobile use (since apparently today's youth uses mobile almost exclusively and many don't even own a computer). 

There's a lots of CSS layouts from pinky I ADORE but because the CSS and HTML don't work independently (probably to prevent theft I think?) it means that people who have CSS off are gonna be met with a profile that's, like, incomprehensible to read. So my ideal profile would probably be Glacier's profile but with left side navigation instead of the top nav & it'd look more or less the same the HTML part wise even if you turned the CSS off. And I guess in an ideal world the html layout could respond to whichever TH theme you're using (pretty sure Blair profile does) but I feel like there is no way you can accommodate everyone when I know for me and my disabilities a lot of the "accessible" things are the opposite of it.

At the same time I'm just very curious to see what others have to offer since they can come up with things I didn't even think could be possible. Reminds me of how I actually borrowed the summary section part of profiles from you because I thought it was a REALLY good way to compress information in a quick way for people to decide if they vibe or not with the general character concept, haha. 

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Thank you so much for the help, it's greatly appreciated!! I think Pinky's been very chill with code editing and tweaking as long as they're appropriately credited, so I imagine that'd be fine as long as you have actually bought the layouts you mean to replicate? I've been trying to frankenstein imilar stuff in the past but since I still don't understand bootstrap well enough it usually results in strange problems, but I'm honestly pretty eager to learn and feel like I'm slowly starting to understand the basic structures of bootstrap. 

And yeah, I find it very interesting what kind of codes people use and also what kinds of trends pop up, both in layouts and also in general profile structures! I feel like users like Casino have heavily affected the look of people's profiles to these very short ones with dA stamps as aesthetic images and it's fascinating.