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Hello! Your themes are really pretty, I'm looking forward to using them!

However I'm having a little bit of a problem with the links on top of the F2U User ID Card. I managed to change the icons to the ones I wanted to use, but when I enter the url to youtube and tiktok instead of the # I get this:

I thought at first that it was because I changed the little icon, but since it happens to the tiktok one as well, that doesn't seem to be the issue. Do you know what the reason might be? It doesn't seem to happen to all the urls as some of them work perfectly fine, but others don't really work for me.

Thank you beforehand!

It looks like you might not have closed a tag correctly or possibly pasted the link in the wrong spot causing the tag to break. If you can show me the HTML code itself that was edited, I can figure out exactly what the issue is and make sure it's fixed.

Sure! So when it works I've got this:

And this is what it looks like when I get the error.

thepasteldyke" style="color:inherit;">

Here's a screenshot:

EDIT: ah, good thing I got a sceenshot since the code actually... coded X´D

As far as I can tell, I think the @ in front of the username in the tiktok url is messing with how toyhouse reads the code, since that's how you link to a user. Try replacing the @ with the following code, removing the spaces: ' & # 6 4 '

That was it! Thank you so much for the help!