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It looks like you might not have closed a tag correctly or possibly pasted the link in the wrong spot causing the tag to break. If you can show me the HTML code itself that was edited, I can figure out exactly what the issue is and make sure it's fixed.

Sure! So when it works I've got this:

And this is what it looks like when I get the error.

thepasteldyke" style="color:inherit;">

Here's a screenshot:

EDIT: ah, good thing I got a sceenshot since the code actually... coded X´D

As far as I can tell, I think the @ in front of the username in the tiktok url is messing with how toyhouse reads the code, since that's how you link to a user. Try replacing the @ with the following code, removing the spaces: ' & # 6 4 '

That was it! Thank you so much for the help!