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hello!! first of all, your codes are absolutely beautiful and it is a dream to get a custom from you someday! ;w;

second, i hope this is the right place to ask- on the Cotton Fields user code (currently active on my profile), i noticed that when i link something in text, the entire link turns white, so it doesn't show up against the background- do you know how i can change the link color, if possible?

(live example: the first sentence on the intro box, which is a link, is invisible, and names on my featured character page also white- but i'm using someone else's folder css so it may be unrelated?)

i did attempt on my own but can't seem to figure it out, i'd really appreciate any help on this! no worries if you can't ^^

EDIT: i am so sorry, but it seems i found another weird issue- on section 2, all the text i've written in the 3 side boxes were using a bulleted list format, and showed up perfectly fine using a live editor- but is not displaying as lists on my actual profile? genuinely unsure about this one, i made sure the html and css were identical to how it was on the live editor,, if you also know how to fix this i greatly appreciate it !! ;o;

hello, so sorry for such a delay!! it's been crazy times and i read your message and got on my list to reply and then i forgot ;u; sofmkdjlfhd 

but i'll be sending you a proper message to help you! thank you and sorry again!