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Could I trade characters for Eff???

Didn't see anyone in your TH that I liked, sorry!

Dang alright

I added two more if you wanna check them out <:3

Also, if you like natural designs I could make a creature you would maybe be interested in,,,?

I don't think I'd really want any more naturalistic designs atm; would you maybe be okay with just drawing one of my characters instead? I can pick one that shouldn't be too hard for you. ^^


Ah, I'm sorry--I couldn't find your comments and assumed you deleted them/were no longer interested? Ended up getting a different offer and am now discussing it... ;; I see now the comments were on my profile and not on the character, so it was my mistake. I can do a lil' drawing of one of your OCs to make up for the trouble if you would like--I guess I only had like one brain cell today 'n totally messed up.

8 Replies

Woops nevermind no need