Comments on [Jun: Official Opening] Cartilaginous Class All Comments Start of Thread Parent

Here is your MYO slot:
- Event Upgrade has been added to your inventory
- any material tail tip + aquatic plant growth has been added to your inventory

To answer your questions:
1. for myo and traits they are all tradeable and regiftable, myos have a 3 week cd but traits have no cd
2. like stated in bulletin, no
3. detailed information can be viewed in respective pages linked in bulletin, but short answer, you can use it separately and at any time
4. yes (but do still check out the event class page for details)

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up to you but, following pings wont be counted to the mutation traits

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oop i meant, bc only put 2 for ur first message

its not really fair to continue adding/editing after the first msg so the 3rd ping n following wont be counted for mutations

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