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heya!! just bought synthwave after eyeing it longingly for about a year now. one problem - the css that comes attached with version 1 disables two tabs on my profile warning code (here). the two tabs that broke were the warning and dni tabs (they use the warning and danger colors respectively) - neither renders in the set of four tabs. i'm still learning my way around css so i'm not quite sure what to do about it, and thus i came back to you. i can dm you a key to the profile that's using it, i have it on just-me-lockdown because i'm not done, if you'd like to see it for yourself. any help at all would be greatly appreciated! ^^

ohhh okay, the link you sent me i can't access because it says the page doesn't exist. can you send me the link on a visible page so i can inspect and see what could be wrong? c:

oh NO did they remove their code... i'll just dm you the key to the page in which the tabs are broken and a link to a character who uses the profile warning in which it still functions. (and a google doc with my edited raw code, i suppose)

oh my god no. i'm just fucking stupid. there's a section to remove if you use custom css, i'm just. not sure if now that i have one page that has css, i have to set up css on all of my pages so i don't break my profile warning lmao

oh wait i'm confused! what happened exactly?

code actually has a div section to remove so it doesn't break when used with custom css, so i can in fact fix that. but account-wide warnings show up as-is on every page you have, and idk if removing that div would break the code on base site css