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Whispers: I just wanted to tell you thanks for giving me such a lovely few paragraphs on my boy Arioch, it really touched my heart considering he is one of my main faves. <3

So figured I'll tell you Eins and Tsukiko are really cute and super fun to look at! I think Eins has a lot of potential storywise! But aside from that, I think his design is so fun! It really caught my eye! I can't help but be a sucker for collar boyos I dunno what to tell you. SDFSG I just think its cute. He seems like he'd be the sarcastic smug type, but that's just me! <3 Tsukiko is very pretty, I can see why you spoil her to say the least. HAH. Her design is very nice and I adore the simple color palette she has that is worked to a very effective point! She comes off as a semi gothish personality when compared to her sister. Very nice character designs! <3