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MAN I feel you on the school + health thing, it's like my immune system was just "lol nah you're on your own" this year. Still though. Pretty sure the last deadline I set for myself was "Halloween" ................two years ago. GUH. Maybe I can set the game release date for THIS Halloween but I'd rather not set up my hopes too high. Maybe parts of it. (i lost a few key files and now i'll have to redraw a bunch of stuff and that....kills the man) im still HYPE for this yanno. so hype. rest up~!

Spring is terrible time for me because my body (especially joints) reacts pretty violently to the season change and it affects my mental health a lot too so I'm like.... super tired and constantly burning until like April/May depending on how fast the snow melts dfg But imo I think as long as you don't give up it's already good enough! I have been working on one novel since 2014, lost almost all my files once and started over and it's still not done ; v ; But I'm trying really hard to eventually get it fully finished (thank god for camp nanos).

And aaa thank you! I have been positively surprised by the attention Sinfonia has gotten so I'll try my best to actually get the demo done and uploaded `v´9