Comments on code request bulletin! (closed) All Comments

I've been waiting for this!! I love the style you do your codes in, they're all so unique and aesthetic, and I also think it's really cool how you base them off of characters! Two of my friends & I share an account involving a story we're all working on together, and I've been desperately trying to find a code that'd work as a user profile code for us but sadly there aren't a ton of three-person user codes. Niche market...?

I don't know how complicated this would be to make into a code, but I made a quick little mockup of what I've been envisioning (sorry for how messy it is; if you need a transcription of anything then let me know):


The stars are all meant to represent FontAwesome icons. Originally in the middle section where the question marks & indecisiveness are I'd been thinking that something would have to be put there to fill the space, but honestly on second thought, I'm not so sure that's necessary...? Esp since I've noticed you often use patterned backgrounds which tend to fill 'empty' space nicely!!

Again I really don't know how tough this would be to code or if it'd be a walk in the park, so if it turns out that you're either unable to make it or just don't want to then that's okay!! Thank you for the opportunity nonetheless; I'm looking forward to seeing what comes out of this request bulletin! ^^