Comments on How do you arrange your character's gallery? All Comments Start of Thread Parent

oh yeah that's actually some really tidy AND detailed way of sorting through galleries, pretty smart!!

It's kind of... eye pleasing to see her gallery tbh haha
until I have to scroll back up and I scroll back way down again the only time I abused my mouse's scrolling wheel

Hahha yeah that's the only downfall is the scrolling! 

But otherwise I just like having the breakdown of different arts for my ocs. Plus if I rehome an oc I can separate pre-owned art to the art that I get. 

I guess it's just how do you want to it to look, versus what works best for you! I've got a private tab for each oc to keep track on their value and comms etc so having the separate sub-galleries helps with that!

OHHHHHH! Yeah that's actually pretty smart with the whole hidden tab thing! I'll have to keep this one in mind since I'm pretty sure this will come in a BIG HAND for when you want to rehome a character with a loooot of art!!

I 100% lost track of mine though ; _ ; I just go "bought for 10$ + 50$ coms"
that's just my lazy butt making excuses to be tidy haha
with that said, that really reminds me of this one image and I just wanna say that's 100% me now after hearing how you sort

omg that's me before I did the whole value tab thing. 

I only recently decided to do it. 








So um it's time consuming but now it's done, it looks so so good!!!

So for instance for this babe:

It looks like this: 


So it's all very pretty in a table with links to the art work, artists commission sheet/ YCH/ Auction Post.
I've got a start date and an end date to keep track of how long comms take, I haven't gone back through all my old art I had because that would take even longer, but for new art I can do. 

I've also got a hidden character profile titled Commissions and Bids, to keep track of these separately. So it's similar. 


OH WOWOWOWOW okay I really have a lot to learn with how you sort the value tracker
this is REALLY helpful actually!! I always find myself OFTEN to check value and keep track of it (but I never bothered to keep track of a value of each piece but I guess this is pretty useful in not just value tracking)
HMMM even the side information like that specific artist's updates, or TDL, etc ALL IN ONE PLACE for you to check, is actually a big brain move
it saves a lot of time navigating through PMs or notes, and keeping track of how long they take and the list of artists you're still waiting from, etc
absolutely useful for if you're someone that commission people a lot! I don't sadly (I wish I could haha) but I would 100% keep this in mind
this is actually blowing my mind

I'm happy to run over things in more detail on how I do everything if you want!! Feel free to PM on discord!! :)

It just helps to keep everything in one place! Even if you wanted one for your own art or keeping track of your comms it can be helpful. I like to use the tables to keep tracking of my little writing projects as well!!

Coz I tend to start so many and it takes me a while to actually finish them

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