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Yee Laharr has friends.  They travel around & make friends wherever they go(mostly superficial but sssh).  Nix is the only one of note that knew them pre-'death'.  Maurice & Michael are CRIME PALS.  Also Lilypad is a buddy.  P much all of my characters live in the same universe but i don't really have an actual story worked out,,,,,,,,,,,,

oh god.....i haven't seen anything worse than slug shoes in a while Amora why are you LIKE this.  what kind of time-period/setting does he live in??

OOO, Nix's design is pretty neat! :D How did they know each other? Also, Michael's quote thing at the top of his page is the best lol Why did the baby get abandoned??? AND do you think Laharr would be the type to paint his nails? :O and if so, what color???

I'm not /quite/ sure yet, but i'm thinking old timey-ish mixed with modern, if that makes sense??? Like, like a fantasy lookin world >3<

They founded a city together!!  (& why does anybody abandon a baby, really)  I think Laharr would def paint their nails....maybe red or seafoam green.

ooh ye that makes sense.  I like that kind of setting for my characters too lol.  Does Amora have connections to any of your other characters???

Whoa!! :O That's a pretty big feat! No wonder he's so salty lol I applaud these color choices >u< Does Laharr have any family?

Kinda??? Nothing solid yet, but I'm thinking of having him meet one of my dragon, demon, or witch charas :D

Can you imagine if Laharr and Amora met? I feel like they'd either be friends or they'd have a showdown of tHeRe CaN oNlY bE oNe lol

Yeah lmao They Were Kind Of A Big Deal.  They don't have any like, direct acknowledged family that isn't dead, but they've got a few descendants still around!!  Actually The Areorean Royal Family descends from them (Melahn, the prince).  It's also totally within the realm of possibility for kids they never knew about to be a thing.......Laharr gets around.

GOD.....Laharr would assume a relation between them since they look so much alike...............Like' is that my shadow self & also if i kill it will it restore my stolen power'

Whoa, royalty!! :O Who's Melahn's wife? And does Laharr know that Melahn is his son?

lololol they'd bond over their pettiness towards the world (can you IMAGINE the sass levels???)

6 Replies