Comments on Fandom hype (twewy + vanitas)!! All Comments Start of Thread Parent

Ooh that's fun! I def like binging more than having to wait every ep lol. Have fun with it!! I finished it but I think I'll play more and grind for levels, pins and money. We're allowed to go up to level 15 and I went up to like, 7 maybe max. We'll be able to transfer our demo savefile to the game so it'll give me a boost and I'll have fun as a bonus!

oooh nice.

i'm trying to decide if i wanna get a physical cartridge or digital. digital gives you neku's threads which is cool but cartridges ;3;

ooh I didn't even hear about neku's threads! I still think I'm going to go with buying it physical tho, maybe i'll change my mind upon seeing neku's threads tho lol

based on what the info says, you can get them late in the game w/o preorder, it's just a way to get them early

OH nice!! Tysm for all the info, i’ll def go physical then
