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hi i just wanted to say like, your story w/ this guy in my thread was REALLY evocative in a good way and unfortunately extremely extremely extremely relatable for me and a lot of my ocs just, as an rper, and im sorry your guy + YOU went through something like that;; idk how else to word this feeling just im glad you shared and i hope hes doing better nowadays

Thank you! It was really nice being able to vent him out! He's one of my favorite characters and I can't believe I nearly completely forgot about him because of the person he had to RP with. I know I've done some stuff in the past but it was never that level my old RP partner took it too. I hope that post gets some people to stop treating him as just eye candy.

But I'm also sorry you had to go through situations like that too. God, it must've been awful.

oof :((( that sucks when nasty people kinda ruin your ability to write for certain characters but i'm glad you reclaimed him on your own terms.

also if it helps any, i'm glad you posted that so if i see him around on TH i can understand the depth of his backstory and i hope other folks understand that too. i feel like he and one of my ocs would get along really well on the abusive rapist wife front which is kind of morbid and sad but, solidarity i guess woooo

lol yeah i'd definitely love for those two characters to meet! they'd at least have someone that understands.

but man, just reading your message right there like... i never even thought of it being rape and now... boi like i have to take a look at a lot of the characters that rped with the one that was with alcott.

i'm def going to be posting there with more characters. i'm so glad it was made, i needed to vent it all out lol

for sure yeah!! mine is a demigod named tenor, i made him when i was a teen who didnt know any better so his wife (rped by a friend of mine at the time who turned out to be nasty as hell) was this like... yknow the kind of character where it's like "well she's an adult chronologically but she LOOKS like a loli uwu"??? that was his wife so that part was unfortunate to begin with and we started talking abt their married life and i just realized this person kept making jokes about + implying that the wife would be constantly subjecting tenor to painful, unwanted sex and i was just like... it took me an embarrassing amount of time to realize why that was making me so uncomfortable it was just like OH THERES A FOUR LETTER WORD FOR PAINFUL UNWANTED SEX HUH... LOL...;;;;;;;;

however yeah alcott's wife was 100% a rapist, any sex that is had without enthusiastic, freely-given, non-manipulated/coerced sex is considered rape by a lot of folks now, it's not just "no means no" anymore cause folks are starting to realize that 1.) a lot of victims freeze during the act and cant say no, and 2.) that a lot of people will coerce, manipulate or guilt trip their partners into sex, meaning the coerced partner is not truly consenting. since she was threatening to kill herself + all that jazz if he didnt have sex with her, he did not consent, he was essentially forced to just with words rather than physical force and thatttt fuckin sucks, it happens to a lot of people but not a lot of folks understand how awful and traumatic it is for the victims just because no physical force was technically used. it was a tricky situation ofc because she was a minor, the oc was, but in the circumstances i would say yeah especially if at the time of rping this, YOU didnt know any better, i would feel comfortable saying this was a rape situation

im excited to see more of what youve got though! not like HAPPY excited i guess, i dont revel in people's trauma or their characters' trauma LOL but im glad its cathartic and it introduces me to more interesting ocs. i just posted one of my own in the thread as well and also plan to post many more

Oof yeah that was the same with me. I used to think the RP partner was a close friend and then you start looking back and realize well boy they weren't a good person at all! Gosh and i was the same where it took so long for me to realize that it was all bad because, like, that was my only rp partner so naturally i thought that's how things went? and even then, like you said, i was younger and didn't know any better.
but jesus that sounds awful. friggin' just forcing a character that's not even yours to sleep with you. that's awful no matter what scenario, i'm sorry you had to go through that but i'm glad you got out of it.

and yeah! i just finished reading about belial! i absolutely hate what happened to him. i get it like how you said before that you were younger and didn't know any better, but for that person to just... like amp it up and keep encouraging you rather than talk about it. goddd i'm sorry

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