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I did Inktober last year; this was when I was first starting drawing and had no idea of what I was doing. I actually did the first 5 days of Inktober while I was camping, and all I had was a black felt tip pen. After the first five days I got a fine liner and that helped me a lot; I ended up doing my own prompts with my own characters mainly since the prompts didn't work with me. I had a whole sheet of them (No idea where they went). I was really surprised when I got through them all.

I think some of my prompts were stuff like 'Pariah, Hero, Villan, Rabbits, Alone, first prey, clan, etc'. I believe I did a couple of my characters for the first couple, but for rabbits i drew the spirit rabbits from legend of Korra.

This year I'm gonna be doing the same thing; I'm planning on drawing a lot of images for my OCs who don't have that many images. Instead of paper and ink I'm going to be doing digital, since last year's images have never seen the light of day outside of deviantart since they are low quality images. 

Since I'm really busy this year, I may make inktober into like October/November. Meaning I'll be doing a prompt once every second day, giving me two days to do it. It'll be more OCtober than anything else; I enjoy drawing my OCs rather than other media.

(this actually reminded me to start putting together my list for inktober, thank you!)

Sounds nice! ^^ ooo and thanks for mentioning digital. Completely forgot about that it can be done digital also lol. Hey maybe I mix. :'D 

Doing every second day is actually a pretty nice idea! And definitely more chill. Noticed how you feel pressured quickly so this will make it better. I actually also kinda did that before. Or did 3 in one day because I felt extremely motivated. (And so that I can take 3 days break xD) 

And same here! I actually only enjoy doing an "OCtober". Because any other media is kinda boring to draw? And at the same time your characters get some art :D

Last year I definitely did several in one day to make up for days I just couldn’t draw; so one every two days will hopefully give me that chance to catch up!

Yeah any other this is pretty boring for me; I don’t ever draw fan art and rarely others OCs unless it’s a part of a WL thread or Artfight. It’s definitely more about the characters than the fun for me. Inktober last year allowed me to develop characters more than I would’ve without doing it. Lumetur would never have existed without it.