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Sounds nice! ^^ ooo and thanks for mentioning digital. Completely forgot about that it can be done digital also lol. Hey maybe I mix. :'D 

Doing every second day is actually a pretty nice idea! And definitely more chill. Noticed how you feel pressured quickly so this will make it better. I actually also kinda did that before. Or did 3 in one day because I felt extremely motivated. (And so that I can take 3 days break xD) 

And same here! I actually only enjoy doing an "OCtober". Because any other media is kinda boring to draw? And at the same time your characters get some art :D

Last year I definitely did several in one day to make up for days I just couldn’t draw; so one every two days will hopefully give me that chance to catch up!

Yeah any other this is pretty boring for me; I don’t ever draw fan art and rarely others OCs unless it’s a part of a WL thread or Artfight. It’s definitely more about the characters than the fun for me. Inktober last year allowed me to develop characters more than I would’ve without doing it. Lumetur would never have existed without it.