✒️ Writers' thread ✒️

Posted 6 years, 10 months ago (Edited 6 years, 8 months ago) by castra

I didn't see a thread like this and figured it'd be nice to have some sort of chillout chat for writers! ; v ; 

Talk about your current writing projects, your stories, planning, plotting, whatever as long as it's even vaguely writing related!
Anyone who identifies as a writer is more than welcomed; there is no strict definition for the word or anything!

Here are also some questions to start things off:
✒️ Who are you?
✒️ How long have you been writing?
✒️ Your preferred languages in writing?
✒️ What kind of things do you write / enjoy writing?
✒️ Favourite genres for your own stories?
✒️ Any current writing projects?

And some rules, just to make sure this thread will stay nice for everyone! 

✒️ Make sure to be polite and nice to each other
✒️ No vagueposting about other users or people in general; let's keep the negativity in vent threads!
✒️ Don't attack / insult other people's interest / favourite genres etc. Discussion is good and disagreements happen, but attacking and insulting are hardly a respectful way of communication.  
✒️ Preferably keep things SFW and black out sensitive / upsetting / NSFW-ish content like this

* In problem situations you can contact my main account Caine

Related forum threads:
  Writing Threads Masterpost

  Respond to the line above you (prompt forum game)

  Positive vibes (writing sharing thread)

 Post your written line you really like 


Also late reply but @fluidex I actually work with Tyrano builder, not renpy! I used renpy back in 2014 for one school work, but apparently all the tutorials I have saved seem to be outdated :c 


What kind of site / sites do you use to upload your stories? Alternatively do you have a preferred site for reading user-submitted stories? I'm currently uploading my comics and such to Tumblr and DeviantART. As for reading, I prefer it based on the media- AO3 is a fave for fanfics.


Manakete I have heard a lot good about AO3! Too bad it's a site focused on fanfiction rather than original fiction though, I quite like the layout and the tagging system of it :') 


castra Yeah, I'm trying to find good places to post my original fiction before publishing-- But none have a good layout etc like AO3 and AO3 doesn't do original fiction so I just. Suffer


Manakete I have heard a lot of people saying that if you aim to publish a work, it's the best if you send it straight to companies rather than upload to internet to avoid legal issues and people stealing your stuff. But if you're referring to comics then it's probably  abit different, the conventions vary depending on the media! ; v ;


castra OHHHH... Okay! I was initially posting Eden online but I can scrap that idea, then. Thank you for letting me know <3


Manakete No problem! I mean some people do that anyway, but it's totally something people advice to think about at least if nothing else. I myself just want to get things done and upload online so I haven't been super concerned with this stuff myself, haha


Does anybody know about the process of making your story into a game? I feel like that's the medium I wanna use but I'd like to know more about it...


✒️ Who are you? 
I'm Tori, a 24 year old from Scotland!

✒️ How long have you been writing? 
I've been writing on and off since I was a child, but I only started writing seriously when I left high school about six years ago.

✒️ Your preferred languages in writing? 
Just English.

✒️ What kind of things do you write / enjoy writing? 
I love writing epics....all my projects are too long for my own good and I have a terrible time finishing them.  I particularly like writing about family dynamics and the effect is has on someone.

✒️ Favourite genres for your own stories?
I loved fantasy since I was a child and I'm probably going to stick with it for a long time.  I also like horror though and put horror themes in there.  I'd like to write a pure horror one day and maybe a western.

✒️ Any current writing projects?
I'm currently writing Demon Arc, a fantasy story that's been brewing in my head for about six years and gone through numerous rewrites.   I have a good feeling about this version though!
It ties into my larger continuum of stories, which I also hope to finish one day.  My goal is to write something like Discworld or Tolkien, with many individual stories existing in the same world c:


@fluidex I could probably lend a hand with some visual novel stuff, but that's pretty much as far as my knowledge goes: I haven't tried RPGmaker or any other types of games yet ;; But yeah I have some experience based tips and tricks for VN, although I suggest taking them with a grain of salt because I have finished only one in the past and am in the middle of making one right now. 


@Fluidex if you'd like to use RPGMaker I can help you with that.... I've been using XP for a long time and VXAce for....less time but honestly it's better.


✒️ Who are you? 
I'm Colen! 22 years old from the west coast of the US.

✒️ How long have you been writing? 
A fairly long time now. Though I've been writing since early middle school, I only started writing seriously around sophmore year in high school.

✒️ Your preferred languages in writing? 
English. Mainly because I'm not nearly fluent enough in Japanese to write it that way. :'D

✒️ What kind of things do you write / enjoy writing? 
I have a bad habit of starting stories and getting sidetracked... but I do enjoy writing longer stories. I like having that long time to get to know characters. Plus it's just a lot of fun I find.

✒️ Favourite genres for your own stories? 
Well my favorites are Fantasy and Steampunk, but I will write almost anything.

✒️ Any current writing projects?
Like I said above... I've got a bad habit of starting stories and getting sidetracked. Thus I have a fair number of them all as WIPs. Though the one I've focused on for a long while now is Trinity of Worlds, a Fantasy story that follows the life of a young noble and the long road to becoming the queen of her kingdom. Conveniently, the characters in my Toyhouse are from that series. I guess it's helped with organizing info? :'D


Yay! I'm glad for a thread like this~

✒️ Who are you?
I'm D! I'm super old (28), indeterminate gender, mega queer xD Me links: PortfolioAO3

✒️ How long have you been writing?
Since I was 6! So... over two decades now...

✒️ Your preferred languages in writing? 
English, primarily! I understand Japanese well but I don't often compose anything in it.

✒️ What kind of things do you write / enjoy writing? 
Speculative genres, such as sci-fi and fantasy, are my main dig, with some exceptions mostly anything outside of a traditional modern setting. I particularly enjoy making surreal works and subtle horror, when not simply writing adventure or drama. Lately, I've been writing a lot of fanfiction as well, after a long hiatus. My favourite format for pure prose is serial fiction, though more recently, other than my oneshot fics, most of my writing has been done for visual novels!

I suppose it's worth mentioning that I also write a lot of queer fiction, as it's come up in the thread. Most of my original characters are of identities other than heterosexual or cisgender, so it follows! I don't typically work with stories where that identity is a major theme though, it's just a fact of who the characters are. I also prefer to work with stories based on cultures and lore outside of the typical Western European basis, especially when it comes to fantasy (though I do have at least one setting that is shamelessly set there still, because I do enjoy the aesthetic xD)

✒️ Favourite genres for your own stories? 
Oop, I guess I mentioned this above, but mostly sci-fi/fantasy/surreal! Drama, slice-of-life, or adventure stories.

✒️ Any current writing projects? 

Nothing is currently going full steam ahead on my personal project front, but I do have a few things in heavy planning, deciding which I'd like to launch into.

Serial 1, tentatively named Raku, is a fantasy slice-of-life romance story with monster boys, about a young man who falls in love with a reclusive older gentleman from an outcast race, and the difficulties they face with finding common ground and navigating the cards that society has dealt for them both. A couple of the characters have profiles here! (designs done by my friend; warning for some 18+ art)

Serial 2 is a more low-key slice of life story with monster girls (noticing a trend? xD), about a physician in training who moves to the countryside for her residency, and the people she meets there.

Visual Novel 1, named White Stones, is something of a queer horror take on Hansel and Gretel, from the perspective of the witch. I have some character sketches and a full outline done for it, just need to start moving ahead!

Visual Novel 2 is a BL-ish surreal horror game planned for last year's Yaoi Jam, that I may try to work on this year, about a young man who is gravely ill, and the mysterious figure he meets in the woods. It's about at the same point as White Stones, so I've been considering where to put my creative resources.

I also have a very long-spanning but sparse lazy serial called Propellers, which I've been working on for some time as the mood strikes, about a strange floating island and a scientist who lives upon it.

What kind of site / sites do you use to upload your stories? Alternatively do you have a preferred site for reading user-submitted stories?

I'm in the same boat as you, Castra, with Wattpad! I've looked into the site a few times but the interface feels crowded to me, and hard to navigate, and yeah the community in general feels way too young for me to attempt to interface with. I used to like Fictionpress back in the day, but I don't think the site has had much upkeep in quite some time. I haven't really looked into it much since my days on FF.net though, so it still might be viable! I'm considering either Tumblr or an independent Wordpress site when I get to posting up my serials. Other than that I mostly post my fanfiction to AO3. I'd love if there was something similar for original fiction (there's an original fiction section, but there's no sorting within it!).

@fluidex I've worked extensively in Ren'py! I don't know of any good beginner tutorials offhand, but I'd be happy to answer any questions you have. Also there is (or used to be) a basic tutorial game called "The Question" packaged in with the engine, which I recommend going through! There's also plenty more you can pick up by browsing the official forums at Lemmasoft, and people are always happy to answer questions there.

@fluidex castra aska-ray This is kind of a sidebar, but if I set up something like a TH game devs Discord chat, would you be interested? I know there are a few other devs on the site also, and while I know of a few general dev chats, it'd be fun to have a smaller, friendlier one, perhaps!

Also I wonder if it'd be worth setting up a TH writer-specific one, in general?