What did you draw today?

Posted 6 years, 5 months ago by Elllllie

Hello! I come from another site that is much more in-depth with their forums. One area they have that I wish they had here is an art chatter section, not for selling but for general art-related conversation. My favorite thread in there was the "what did you draw today" thread. It was fun seeing other people's daily drawings and a fun way to try and motivate myself to draw at least something every day. On Toyhouse, while it's art based, sometimes you might want to draw something other than an OC you have on site but still post it somewhere. Sometimes you want to share that silly scribbly thing you spent 4 hours on but not on DA or Instagram (or whatver you post on). So yeah, here's a place to drop your daily doodles!

-Art doesn't have to be fully finished. WIPs and sketches are totally cool to share!

-There doesn't need to be conversation if people don't want it. Feel free to just post your art of the day and run. Conversely, if you want to chatter it's more than welcome, especially if you want to discuss anything relevant to the drawing process :)

I'll make this into post pretty someday



Now that I get this drawing off my mind, time to actually work on comms.... (ヾノ꒪ཫ꒪)

vv Edit: I don't want to double post bUT THANK YOU.... ;; You're too kind agfjagjhdah I'm 



          Likely need to fix his nose because... haven't drawn him for years (non-chibi, I drew him as chibi a couple of years ago) my style changed so much i;m not even sure about his correct facial features anymore. orz


Hi went ALL OUT on my grad cap because I wanted to slap a bunch of eyes and sharp things on this bad boye



Finished this old doodle ;v;



figuring out a new oc to pair up with an old one :')



sacuvi Wanted to say that I love the motion in that sketch. :D You're great with conveying bodylanguage.

Drew Julia Wright/Henry Newman (lesbian) and her husband Colonel Terry Wright (gay) in some pride gear.

Mixed results anatomy-wise but it was nice making something colorful after all the gritty portraits.



Trade with spencharly




Cliodna i've been rly working on body language and flow, so thank you sm for your comment it really means a lot !! n__n

Escargot never a feat too small !! the colours are really super lovely <3

fleshing out my new oc today :     )
