what's the strangest thing you've searched for-

Posted 5 years, 10 months ago (Edited 5 years, 10 months ago) by zinnia

while writing/worldbuilding/drawing/whatever ?

like. you know when your writing and youre like 'hey would it make sense for this character to wear this outfit' but then somehow it ends up with you 6 feet deep in ancient greek fashion and customs . or sometimes its just 'how much and how effective would gasoline be to burn down a whole office building please im not an arsonist im just writing'

yall get what i mean right. righ

ANYWAYS i really like hearing about weird things people have researched for oc/writing stuff, just know that if it's something sensitive, black it out like this or put it under a spoiler tag

both the above are things ive done and lemme tell you. the gasoline thing wouldnt work irl but who cares it looks COOL in the story, or at least thats what i like to think. also i cant draw ancient greek outfits so im still here with one of my characters wearing period-inaccurate clothing 

edit: aaaaaand of course i get the ic posting glitch . cant believe ramiel is google searching about arson


i was probably put on some watch list for looking up soviet army/kgb details for szymon 


"whats the difference between a assassin, mercenary and hitman"

"how much does a human heart sell on the black market"

"can you salvage a human heart from a burned body"

still dunno the answer to the third one.


"child skeleton" probably takes the cake


"can you can bailed from jail for kidnapping"

i dont think i found my answer. i think the answer is "you cant" but... ya know, i needed to know...

another bonus: just deep web stuff, i needed it for characters


“How well can humans cannibalize each other” and other research on human cannibalism to try to base something for a co-owned species 

Hint: you can safely eat other people if you don’t eat their brain 


i love reading this , especially without context

Lotor the fact that you know so much about fire and organs is.. kinda terrifying. i like it


i've had to look up 'skinless bear head' and variations of that on multiple occasions when drawing my undead bear characters 

i also frequently look up 'deformed rat/wounded rat/starving rat/diseased rat' for my comic/story LOL

also 'roadkill cat/scarred cat/cat with missing eye' for when i draw warriors art 

i wouldnt recommend looking any of these up theres a lot of ..disturbing results


These kinds of things tend to leave my memory immediately after I search them, but the latest one I remember is "how big is an eggplant"

I also once googled "if you have an uncle and then also have a child is the uncle the child's great uncle"


I searched for something along the lines of "how many couples do you need in a colony to avoid inbreeding" because I wanted to know how many people are needed for genetic diversity. Mostly because I don't want the ruling monarch to have hundreds of years worth of inbreeding. Wow this is really gross-


Well... I'm surprised I'm not flagged for the various murder techniques and poisons I've looked up, and various ways to dispose of a body for Joeseph.

I've also dug super in depth into Nazi Germany for Joeseph

Also, occult stuff for Joeseph, as well as various sanguine culture stuff..

I've also looked into lots of obscure medical experiments; legal and not so legal, especially during WW2 for Joeseph yet again... (pls don't google that)