Show off your collections!

Posted 3 years, 6 months ago by Arty-Social

How many collections do you have?

28 Votes 1-3
13 Votes 4-6
2 Votes 6-10
14 Votes More than 10

I love seeing other people's collections! Please send pictures of them as long as they aren't NSFW. I'll show off some of my own too! I have many collections as I love collecting things.


SO I once collected lanterns. And that... was good. Until I started running out of space. So I thought I'd collect something smaller, like playing cards. So I've got a beautiful collection now of stylish playing cards. Limited editions, ones from the 70s, ones with beautiful art, etc etc. The problem is the collection succeeded in being small enough that I LOST it. It's somewhere, but i don't know where. ;_;


So I had like, one more idea of where the cards where and I found them lol they'd been missing for months and the one time I actually mention about their missing, I find them.


I have a collection of 49+ ring pulls from cans. I plan to grow it. It is very very satisfying to have that many of them and I intend to grow it to over 150.

I am realizing I may have the inherent gremlin urge to  c o l l e c t  especially if it's shiny things, because I also have a collection of shiny Pokemon cards and a seperate collection of shiny pokemon coins (there was a pokemon tcg club at my school, we never played the game, only traded, and I shit you not I went OUT OF MY WAY to get as many coins as possible and I treasured them more than the cards) (this one is inactive in that I've stopped collecting these, I kinda moved onto collecting Yugioh decks, have 4 as of right now and ik that's not a lot but I don't get an opportunity to buy them often)

Edit: Haha not me editing my post cause I saw someone talk abt a childhood thing they collected and it unlocked a hidden memory for me, so like.... I had an ENORMOUS, MASSIVE collection of those Zhu Zhu pet things when I was a kid. THEY BARELY EVEN FIT IN THE BOX I KEPT THEM IN AND I'M FAIRLY SURE IF I REMEMBER RIGHT I HAD MORE THAN ONE BOX AND SOME OF THEM LEGIT JUST HAD TO VIBE IN RANDOM PLACES AROUND MY ROOM. I HAVE NO IDEA WHY I HAD SO MANY THEY ALWAYS GOT STUCK IN MY HAIR BUT IDK I'D USUALLY GET THEM WHEN I WAS WITH MY GRAN AND/OR LIKE AS A REWARD FOR DOING GOOD IN SCHOOL OR JUST LIKE BIRTHDAY AND CRHISTMAS GIFTS OR IF I WAS GOOD IN GENERAL I'D SOMETIMES BE ALLOWED TO GET ONE AT THE SHOP SOMETIMES AND THEY ENTERTAINED ME A LOT FOR SOME REASON LOL. I'm fairly sure I didn't get rid of them till like, Primary 6 or 7? Anyway I had a hell of a lot I was lowkey popping off, just call me Zhu Zhu king. (Weirdly enough shortly after I got rid of my collection it was suddenly like those bitches disappeared from EVERYWHERE lol)

Also shout-out to my friend who collects teef.


Digimon V-pets!

I have about 30 Digimon right now and 2 tamogotchis (eevee (shown in the picture) and the extellatachi (fate series, not shown in the picture) 


Figures! I love them, they make me so happy,,

pls no bully over my cheap display


I also have Black Magician but I can't fit him on my YGO shelf o(-(



^^^^ Cheap display buddies
(I clicked "more than 10" for the poll but I might have misunderstood-)

Anyway. I collection games, mangas and figures (original i know)

Photo 1
Photo 2 (+ a Pegasus Seiya Funko Pop that isnt displayed bcs they are old photos and I didnt dusted them+my messy desk)
Photo 3 (I have more on the second photo)
Photo 4


i used to collect bakugan religiously ::D i had like 100+, i was obsessed. cards, figurines, everything. unfortunately im no longer able to collect them because it's no longer sold around where i live ::( i'll go look if i can find some of the ones i owned, as through the year i destroyed some lmao
i remember this one giant dragonoid in particular, and this one bunch of pyrus type bakugan that you could assemble into a big one. im so sad that i didn't pay more attention and cared more about them. the last one i bough was like 6 years ago, a very high g (like ~900) subterra bakugan, i think an avior? i really wanna pick it up again honestly, i'll most likely draw them and make some fan characters soon ^^


I collect a lot of things but rn these guys are my favs and priority:


And the speakers, which I currently dont have room for on the main display. Don't mind the little headless Jerry next to him, he's gonna be my lab-rat for resin copies. I really want to do customs, but I'd feel guilty painting over any official figure


I collect many other things too, such as cds, business cards, pins, anime figures... I'll try to come back another time with pictures of some of them ^__^


Gingasnap I'm so glad someone knows them!! They're so forgotten. I grew up with them, some of these are actually the ones I had as a kid :D I even still play the game 😭

If you ever find yourself wanting to get into them hmu and I can tell u a bit about good prices and such sakjsdfhjk (some people jack the prices cuz theyre old and discontinued, but its suuuuper easy to find well-priced ones!)

Also yooo, dragon figurines? I'd love to be pinged if you ever get around to posting any! I have always loved a good dragon figgy....


I collect dragon related stuff! I've got stuff like statues, stuffed toys, action figures, books, jewellery etc.


CI0WNY thank you 🙏🏻cool to see yet another person who knows em.. if u ever find ur figures, id love to see or talk about em!! I have, like, brainrot for these lil guys </3

also right? I just learned about them within the last year or so. Got lucky enough to find a set unboxed for pretty cheap, and honestly? They are really, really good, especially given that they're secondhand and at minimum 11 years old at this point. They light up and everything!